Special police observer Deepak Mishra reviews the arrangements made by the administration for smooth voting on June 1. Focus on preventing gatherings near polling booths, using CCTV cameras and drones, enforcing no mobile phone policy, and monitoring model code of conduct. DEO Sakshi Sawhney assures adequate arrangements for free and fair polls with security measures, facilities for voters, and hydration stations at all polling stations.
Ludhiana: The district rural police have booked a Rajasthan-based man on the charges of sending threatening and obscene messages to a Raikot resident .
Ludhiana: The first deadline for depositing firearms after the imposition of the model code of conduct has lapsed and the second is just a few days aw.
Times News NetworkLudhiana: Ludhiana rural police booked an NRI and his aide for allegedly sexually harassing a 29-year-old woman who takes care of th.