10 March 2021, 8:44 am EST By
Even with technological advancements, researchers have difficulty treating aging among humans. But the high-tech tool known as CRISPR, gene-editing equipment, shows a promising result in curing rapid aging within humans.
However, science does not seem to dwell sometimes with technology, and the possible solution to slow or even reverse aging could already be an outdated method.
Introduction of Reverse Aging
In a report by Popular Mechanics, a team of researchers from Israel made use of two key biological clocks to experiment. The participants in the study were instructed to undergo oxygen therapy inside a pressurized chamber.
26 February 2021, 6:22 am EST By Through decoded neurofeedback, you can now overcome your fears, phobias and anxieties. ( Screenshot from YouTube/Letsute )
A new study conducted by scientists reveals a certain method to increase self-confidence and eliminate fears among people suffering from phobias and anxieties.
The known technique will zap your brain so experts can monitor how it functions, especially when people are confronted with their fears.
How Decoded Neurofeedback Works in a Patient?
In a report by Joe Pinkstone of Daily Mail, the method can be used to cure anxiety, phobia, and other psychological conditions. It also allows the patient s brain to function, improving a person s courage over the things that he/she does not want to encounter.
25 February 2021, 11:24 pm EST By Study reveals that people sleep less on nights before full moon. ( Tom Fisk from Pexels )
With the upcoming full moon this weekend, which others called Snow Moon, researchers from three universities revealed its connection to sleep deprivation of the people, especially those who stay awake late at night.
If you are one of those night-owls who just cannot fall into sleep, you might be wondering how a distant satellite of our planet may impact your sleeping pattern.
Why Do People Sleep Less At Night Before Snow Moon?
In a report by the Philadelphia Inquirer s Anthony R. Wood, a recent study led to a conclusion that you are sleeping 46 to 58 minutes less than your regular sleeping cycle on nights that lead to the full moon.