To submit an event for the calendar, please email
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Superior Telegram | ×
Friday, Feb. 12
Superior: The Wisconsin National Guard will be assisting with drive-thru COVID-19 testing from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Amsoil Distribution Center, 1101 Susquehanna Ave. Participants can register online at Testing will also take place Feb. 26 at the same time and location.
Saturday, Feb. 13
Superior: The Lake Superior Ice Racing Association will host the Souptown Showdown at noon on Allouez Bay. Cars and trucks will ice race, and the action is free to watch. People are welcome to stay in their vehicles to enjoy the show.
Superior Public Library’s 11th annual Love Your Local Artist fundraiser will be held virtually this year, and includes an online auction, artist profiles and online slideshow. Throughout the month of February, visit, and click the “Love Your Local Artist” link to experience this year’s virtual celebration. As in previous years, local artists have generously donated a variety of hand-crafted items for our auction, and this year you can view items and bid online.
This year’s offerings include:
a handcrafted wooden tree created and donated by John Thompson,
handcrafted jewelry created and donated by Leah Biezuns,
To submit an event for the calendar, please email
Written By:
Superior Telegram | ×
Friday, Jan. 29
Superior: The Wisconsin National Guard will be assisting with drive-thru COVID-19 testing from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Amsoil Distribution Center, 1101 Susquehanna Ave. Upcoming testing dates will be Feb. 12 and Feb. 26 at the same time and location.
Superior: The Lake Superior Ice Festival will run from Jan. 29-30 at Barker’s Island with free, family-friendly activities. For the full schedule of events, visit
Saturday, Jan. 30
Superior: The Lake Superior Ice Festival will run from Jan. 29-30 at Barker’s Island with free, family-friendly activities. For the full schedule of events, visit