second mortgage to pay the i.r.s. we have obesity problem in the country. the cupcake video playing kids because of the cupcake eating adults. we have to do something about the lifestyle because obesity and diabetes will cost healthcare a fortune in the long run. cheryl: is punishing the parents taking their tax breaks away the right option? no, this is crazy. this is a nanny state run wild. why not tax short people or tall people? that is crazy. subsidize everybody, every girl with a 35-22-35 and c cup or better. i m for that. i m for that. [ laughter ] do all of this. as long as you are going crazy with a nanny state, who is going to decide who is bese and isn t, who is tall, short or fat? it s crazy. cheryl: tracy, you have kids. what do you say to this? all i can think of is the money you are going to save or you know, you are going to take away people s tax breaks, the kids will be in therapy for the rest of their
see if it goes further than that. i don t think it will. that said, conservatives around the country are saying, oh, my god, we ve got to get rid of one way that workers are protected in this country because they don t want to see the why do they need protection then? and one, it s hold on, eric. it all starts with the right to work, the i don t know right to work states. in other words, requiring you to have a union card to work in the auto industry in michigan, that s on the way out with the spread of what s going on in wisconsin and scott walker and et cetera, it will, it go away. brenda: okay, guys, guys, guys, sorry, sorry, sorry, more time next time. we ve got to go. coming up. do you think anyone who advocates cutting these subsidies is unamerican? yes or no. well yes or no, sir. are you willing to apologize for what i just said, there s no intended personally. so you re not willing to apologize. brenda: big oil on the hot
don t you care about poor people? that s all the justification once again, cheryl. at the end of the day, where are they getting the money? from the job creators. we have the same goal: a healthy economy. that comes from economic freedom. not government entitlements. not paying people not to work. corporations can t hire because they re paying so much in taxes. why don t they lower the tax rate. pay down the deficit. maybe then, they say i have cash to hire an extra person. right now they can t. cheryl: another option is lower unemployment benefits they pay. when the manufacturers left the country, the jobs went to housing. housing was a bubble that couldn t sustained. those are the people unemployed. we won t get back to prerecession level of unemployment for years. we have to make a decision
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predictions, jonas on the hot seat. we don t always like insurance companies, but play an important role in like this. spdr, etf s. brenda: gary bull and bear. i am a bearish, another leg down for this one, unfortunately. brenda: your prediction. another leg down, oil, i think it s doing to drop and doug, the opposite way, i think it s up 25% in the next he three months. brenda: jonas, bull or bear. i think that oil is going down, too. brenda: all right. tobin, your prediction? all right. tivo, now on your dvr, you re going to be able to buy stuff and bolling could buy a tie. brenda: and 50% one year, bull or bear. i don t like this one, dead money. brenda: and eric. sold 16 municipal buildings to close budget gaps and looks like they re looting the treasuries around the country and the only buildings they