Reports have said the 2024 game at Rickwood Field, the oldest professional ballpark in the U.S., would mean no game that summer at the "Field of Dreams" site in Dyersville.
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causes of gun a violence and kep everyone safe. but remember bushh. is one of the same far left democrats that repeatedly i call to defund the police even as crime is spiking a major democratic run cities and states all across the country. so. how are we going to keep everyone safe and secure if we don t let police have the money to do their jobs and continue to their funding? never mind this stupid laws bush herself spends tens of thousands of dollars on private security. i m sorry she has too s go through that. sadly, i ve had l to live that t points in my life as well. butst don t her constituents in st. louis don t they also deserve the same safety and security defund dismantle the police doesn t work.n not bail laws don t work, youre know. coast to coast we re seeing the same exact thing. democratg th they like to attack the police and crime gets worse, including new york where the state republican party slamming failedst r far leftov governor kathy hochul againer this week defen
0 your show. other shows enjoy sports that we will never do lose again before we go on youtube. oh we are out of time but it s a mixed blessing because sean hannity has a fulled s hour plus five seconds starting now. thanks, tucker . we appreciate it. we ll take all the time we can w get. all right. welcome to hannity elity.. bige breaking news on multiple fronts tonight . joe biden continues to see his dismal approval numbers crater even more , including in one key battleground state. so how low can joe go? full coverage straight ahead. and far left failures all across the west coast are nower more undeniable than ever. comedian adam carolla will join us to sound off on all of this california craziness. as goes california, so goes the rest of the country. controversy tonight surrounding trans athletes in women s sports are female athletes being treated unfairly? caitlyn jenner will be here and will react to d new developments surrounding the universityevsu of pennsylvania s women s