democratic primary challenger marianne williamson is back. will i 10% in the.m i know. i m not kidding. in the democrati kiddc primary.y s and robert f kennedy is at 21%. we re going to ask. why biden and the dnc are so afraid ofe so a little competition. but first tonight, the oh so pious journalists in the mobas b and the media and, of course, their close friends. they are the willing allieses and press secretaries of the democratic party. they are living in an alternate reality. let s give you exhibit a. hillary clinton. we all know james comey admitted it. she mishandledjames coy admitt f top secret classified material. she attempted cover it up. that s the 30,000 emails they had. she destroye0 e-maild 33,000 ot emails that were subpoenaedinvet during an ongoing investigation. hillary, a democraigt. she was never raided. she was never charged with a crime. and now, of coursed north , lact and all self-awareness, which is typical of all things,d bill clinton and hillary
Or helicopter crashes inefen defense of this country,se o of course, when we hear, that, weo think of bunker hill ornorm Normandy Oandyr the frozen chosn it, chosin reservoir, perhaps even the invasion in goo afghanistan. In Two Thousand One , weve seen good men and women leave behind wives and husbands, sonsf and daughters, and a long life r ahead to go die in a war as we should. We honor them. I have thousands ofd Blood Brothers from the War On Terror myself. None because we share the same d blood , but because we spilledta our Blood Fighting for the samee calls for america. For you. So memorial day is a day wecognz recognize thate and honor itweo again, as we should. Butuld. What about our actio what do we do to honor them in life . E think do we think about their sacrifice before we tweet something hateful or before werr slap a political Bumper Sticker on our car . Do we have the them inm in our . When we show up in november and vote for people, most of whom have never servedr lead
or helicopter crashes inefen defense of this country,se o of course, when we hear, that, weo think of bunker hill ornorm normandy oandyr the frozen chosn it, chosin reservoir, perhaps even the invasion in goo afghanistan. in two thousand one , we ve seen good men and women leave behind wives and husbands, sonsf and daughters, and a long life r ahead to go die in a war as we should. we honor them. i have thousands ofd blood brothers from the war on terror myself. none because we share the same d blood , but because we spilledta our blood fighting for the samee calls for america. .for you . so memorial day is a day wecognz recognize thate and honor itweo again, as we should. butuld. what about our actio what do we do to honor them in life?e think do we think about their sacrifice before we tweet something hateful or before werr slap a political bumper sticker on our car ? do we have the them inm in our ? when we show up in november and vote for people, most of whom have never
of where the republican candidates running for president stand in ukrainening a little bit shocking.t republ it s all we expected, and it sin cas at all what republican on capitol hill are saying.disc more evidence that there son a disconnectnect between republicans in washington and everyone else. we ll get that in just everyon a minute. but first tonight, it hass sinc been 15 years since the global 2018financial crisis of 2008, a. a long time, but it hasn t gonee away. it s consequences st is , in fa. still define our world. sy is the u.s. government so deeply in debt?how di how did wall street get so muchm money? what did they do exactlyuc? why are housing prices so high? hi why do our leaders stoke racial conflict? why have so many mano americans concluded that their system is rigged? in every caserigged. the anss to those questions is the same . it all bega n inin two thousand eight now 2008. u and its aftermath is a complex story, but it s justncia some up in
my friday friends. what a great show we have tonight. say but i say that every night. don t i even win it even when. it s a coping trick that i it. pickt s a coping trick that i picked up from the hosts fox and friends. they don t su what do they know? so here s a fun survey and by fun, i mean agrees with me. who was never wrong? a new poll conducted by politico, which is spanish for vomit, shows that most hispanics actually liketr the transporting of illegal aliens to left wing sanctuary cities. yes, it appears thissanc actiotn only upsets white liberals and sanctuary cities who are forced to be compassionateply instead of simply pretending toa be . they re also known as my apology to actual anuses who perform, who perform a valuable function, make funem of them all you want. but if you didn t have one oh, i would hate to be you. where am i ? but if there s one thing white liberals are good at, it s being hypocritical. credit. that in telling me th. in t