Lobbying where lobbying, ripping off American Indian dollars. And his fellow lobbyists who were working on the scheme with him, lots of people who were working with him on this were former republican congressional staffers, it would emerge in Court Documents over the course of this scandal that they would frequently deride and insult the native americans they were ripping off in their scheme by calling them morons and troglodytes, and they would sort of laugh and screech among themselves about how much they loved ripping off these tribes and taking all their money. One of the signature moves in this abramoff scheme was that he was secretly paying socalled Christian Conservative leaders, guys like ralph reed from the Christian Coalition and lou sheldon from the christian values coalition, abramoff and his group would pay these christian groups to gin up antigambling activism, all this supposedly christian pious outrage about gambling. And then abramoff, having paid for that, he would sw
From him ripping off American Indian tribes to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. And in communications with his fellow lobbyists who were working on this scheme with him, lots of the people he was working with on this were former republican congressional staffers. It would emerge in Court Documents over the course of this scandal that they would frequently deride and insult the native americans they were ripping off in their scheme by calling them morons and troglodytes, and they would sort of laugh and screech among themselves about how much they loved ripping off these tribes and taking all their money. One of the signature moves in this abramoff scheme was that he was secretly paying socalled Christian Conservative leaders, guy likes landfall reed from the Christian Coalition and lou sheldon from the traditional values coalition, abramoff and these guys would pay these christian groups to gin up antigambling activism. And then abramoff, having paid for that, he would swoop in
Lobbying where the money started from him ripping off American Indian tribes to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. And in communications with his fellow lobbyists who were working on this scheme with him, lots of the people he was working with on this were former republican congressional staffers. It would emerge in Court Documents over the course of this scandal that they would frequently deride and insult the native americans they were ripping off in their scheme by calling them morons and troglodytes, and they would sort of laugh and screech among themselves about how much they loved ripping off these tribes and taking all their money. One of the signature moves in this abramoff scheme was that he was secretly paying socalled Christian Conservative leaders, guys like ralph reed from the Christian Coalition and lou sheldon from the traditional values coalition. Abramoff and his guys would pay these christian groups to gin up antigambling activism, all this supposedly christian,