general electorate cared about this issue more than perhaps others tha democrats have a hard time messaging on, like crime, like inflation. some of those things tha republicans tend to capitalize on but, still in senate majorit leader, schumer, he is warning saying this temporary stay b the supreme court is not the end of the road for this fight to keep this abortio medication, to keep access t this abortion medication ready and available for all women. take a listen to what he sai this morning this decision was a temporary victory. this is hardly the end of ou fight. to protect a woman s healt care and a woman s right t choose, make no mistake about. it the hard right antichoice maga wing in this country will keep working and working and working to take away all women s rights but we will fight it and fight it and fight it. to state the, obvious democrats know the numbers jus aren t there to pass any meaningful legislation t
you said you kept expel ou fight. talk to me about how you r going to continue this fight for gun reform look well, the republican supermajority of tennessee thought that they were doing will silencing a voice aroun an issue that they have yet to take on seriously. they ve offered a lot of false solutions about implementing gun violence, about gun reform myself and representativ johnson and jones sought to do when we lead a peaceful protes was to listen to - and now millions of tennesse instead across the country who are saying we must do somethin differently than the statu quo. so as we continue our fight, i is to make sure that we push forward legislation and next week myself and robson of jone passed legislation that will b putting forward and so many others to the stat legislature to say, here are some of the solutions for th epidemic of gun violence tha we face. here is some of the solution that our community is talkin to us about, such as red fla
ou fight here. you hope to win and not to be dead. a majority of russians are faithful to their president. difficult economic situation of this dountry, despite the international sanctions that many products are not available in stores any more.
shut everything down unless you throw obama care under the bus which of course will not happen. which he won t do. bill: as i told lou dobbs. lou fight is worth having the american people will rally to the republican s cause, i don t think so. what dues. there are a certain number of republicans in this country last two nominees didn t stand up for the principles they want to espouse. this might be a fight to pick. stand up against the president s health care bill. bill: even if they lose it might be worth the fight. even if they lose it might be worth the principled fight. the white house is sort of rubbing their hands collectively at the thought that republican also do this. because if you think about the last two or three weeks, the president has been completely on defense from syria, to having to pull a larry summers nomination for the fed. he didn t officially didn t do it. not because of republican but democratic opposition. the fed decides they are not going to stop bu