Email Newer options make your hearing aid less obvious without sacrificing the volume you need to hear well.
If your hearing loss is diagnosed as severe or profound, you may worry you’ll have to wear bulky hearing aids. However, smaller options have been developed, making your hearing aid much less obvious but just as effective, Dave Fabry, AuD, chief innovation officer at Starkey in Eden Prairie, Minn., tells WebMD Connect to Care.
What is Severe Hearing Loss?
Severe and profound hearing loss are the most serious of the Hearing Health Foundation’s levels of hearing loss.
Severe hearing loss Someone with severe hearing loss cannot hear speech at normal levels, often cannot hear loud sounds, and often relies on facial expressions and other visual cues.
4 Possible Causes of Hearing Loss in Children
By Taylor Weeks Reviewed by Jordan Glicksman, MD, FRCSC, MPH on February 16, 2021 Share on Facebook Email While hearing loss can affect people of any age, some causes of hearing loss are more prevalent in children than in adults.
Hearing loss has many different causes and can range in severity from mild to profound. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, hearing loss can be broadly categorized as either acquired (hearing loss that develops at any point after birth) or congenital (present at birth). Hearing loss can be caused by a number of factors, some of which are more common in children than in adults.
3 Possible Hearing Aid Side Effects You Should Know
By Amanda Vining Email Even though there are side effects to wearing hearing aids, the degree to which side effects are experienced is usually very mild.
If you find yourself struggling to hear sounds, hearing aids may be an option to help restore your auditory capabilities. But it’s important to be aware of some hearing aid side effects first.
Hearing aids are small battery-powered electronic devices that are worn either in or behind your ear and help to make noises and sounds louder and clearer for patients who have experienced hearing loss.