ABOUT 200 people gathered in Henley market place on Sunday to hear the proclamation of accession. Mayor Michelle Thomas read the proclamation to mark the passin.
Martin Weaver stole more than £12,000 from the Richmoor Hotel on Weymouth seafront A FORMER assistant manager breached the trust of a hard working Weymouth hotel owner as he stole more than £12,000 in fraudulent refunds and purchasing items for his new business venture. Martin Weaver, 44, was initially employed as a restaurant manager at Shelley’s restaurant in March 2017, before he convinced the Richmoor Hotel’s owner, Loriane Hillier, to become the assistant manager at the hotel. But following a tip-off from a local businessman, Mrs Hillier discovered he was fraudulently using the hotel’s bank cards to purchase items for himself from Booker wholesalers and carried out false refunds to his own cards.