train, harbor and export terrorists. jere germany is up there for coming to the random terrorist attacks. it s not brought out by isis. they get crazy and say you can t do that. why not? if you know reasonable cause then why would we continue to look the other way when we know these countries are on their own? look at the statistics. he is trying to get back to where we were before isis became more powerful which has happened in the last couple of years. it has allowed them to flourish and do the and. we work with allies and work with people we usually don t work with. you first have to be willing to name it, to defeat it.
tape and then a v and fold down. fold down. and you went pro? i did. another key thing is to fold the creases. you do that by simply pinching your fingers together. instead of knotting a bow you will loop a bow. loop it once, loop it again and krinch l it up and take a piece of string and loop it. loop it. we ll do this and have a wrap off. what are we going to wrap? you have the option to wrap any one of those items there that are unwrapped.
and we welcome that completely. this is a guy just like you saw on the campaign. he was willing to go to five or seven states a day. so the scheduling was easy. i didn t have to choose between pennsylvania and wisconsin. he was willing to do that. same thing with this transition schedule. he is working so incredibly hard he is in these extra meetings with other elected officials, people who will or will not serve in the cabinets. what s been the hardest part? what did you notice about the nominee and now you watch the president-elect during the transition period. what do you think he adapted to the slowest? he is adopted quiapting quice job. you can see the enormity of it.
he is ready to be president. it is not just being presidential. it is being a leader and somebody he surrounds himself with people he can trust. his cabinet is very conserve tifr, a election of serious men and women and he also i think is adapting to the intelligence briefings where he is the one receiving them. he is the one receiving the presidential daily briefing. yes. and he gets that. he got it yesterday. in addition to that he is speaking to council. so many different people in that arena. and only thing to challenge? the biggest challenge for him? i think it s a challenge because it would be a challenge for any human being but it doesn t seem to be for him. how does he end and i saw this weekend that people are