5 Places to Find Walleye in Northern New Jersey
Walleye are one of the most fun, vexing, frustrating, and challenging freshwater fish to catch on a consistent basis.
Since 2010, approximately 17-million ‘eyes have been stocked, measuring between 16 and 20 inches.
It’s full game on for walleyes starting May 1, as the statewide seasons are now open. Sure, this spine-studded, marble-eyed mystery has been a year-round legal quarry on the Delaware River, but the last two months have been catchand-release only on all other Garden and Empire state venues where it prowls. No doubt is was exasperating having to release legal-and-longer fish brought through the holes, but starting at this fifth turn of the calendar page, they can be kept and cooked. Or let go, if you choose. However, from this corner, ‘eyes are about catching and eating. Fire up the Fry Daddy!