Kanye West proved that his friendship with embattale rocker Marilyn Manson was still going strong as he invited him to one of his Sunday Services on October 31 along with Justin Bieber
Trent Reznor denounces Marilyn Manson
Photo: Catherine McGann (Getty Images)
Trent Reznor has issued a new statement today, reminding readers that, although the two artists were heavily involved with each other in the 1990s with Reznor producing or co-producing Marilyn Manson’s first major albums,
Portrait Of An American Family and
Antichrist Superstar he and performer Brian “Marilyn Manson” Warner have been estranged from each other ever since: in Reznor’s words, “I cut ties with him nearly 25 years ago.” This is per
The Long Hard Road Out Of Hell,
in which he alleges that he and Reznor sexually assaulted a woman together in the mid-’90s.