Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reaffirmed their buy rating on shares of Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating) in a report published on Thursday morning, reports. AV has been the subject of several other research reports. Morgan Stanley restated an overweight rating and issued a GBX 520 ($6.46) price objective on shares of Aviva in a report […]
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reissued their buy rating on shares of Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating) in a report issued on Thursday, reports. Other equities research analysts have also issued research reports about the company. Barclays reaffirmed an equal weight rating and set a GBX 545 ($6.78) price target on shares of Aviva in a […]
Aviva plc (LON:AV – Get Rating) has earned an average rating of “Moderate Buy” from the seven research firms that are currently covering the firm, reports. Two investment analysts have rated the stock with a hold rating and five have assigned a buy rating to the company. The average 1 year price target among […]
Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft reiterated their buy rating on shares of Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating) in a report published on Thursday morning, Marketbeat Ratings reports. Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft currently has a GBX 560 ($6.97) target price on the stock. Other equities analysts have also issued reports about the company. JPMorgan Chase & Co. dropped their […]
Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “equal weight” rating restated by equities research analysts at Barclays in a research note issued to investors on Wednesday, Marketbeat Ratings reports. They presently have a GBX 545 ($6.83) target price on the stock. Barclays‘s price objective points to a potential upside of 32.83% from the stock’s […]