Aviva plc (LON:AV – Get Rating) announced a dividend on Wednesday, March 2nd, Upcoming.Co.Uk reports. Stockholders of record on Thursday, April 7th will be given a dividend of GBX 14.70 ($0.19) per share on Thursday, May 19th. This represents a dividend yield of 3.62%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Thursday, April 7th. This […]
Royal Bank of Canada reiterated their outperform rating on shares of Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating) in a research note released on Friday, MarketBeat Ratings reports. Royal Bank of Canada currently has a GBX 480 ($6.29) price target on the stock. A number of other equities research analysts have also recently commented on the company. […]
Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating)‘s stock had its “overweight” rating reiterated by analysts at Barclays in a report issued on Friday, Marketbeat.com reports. They currently have a GBX 468 ($6.13) price objective on the stock. Barclays‘s target price would suggest a potential upside of 14.26% from the stock’s previous close. A number of other brokerages […]
Aviva plc (LON:AV – Get Rating) insider Amanda Blanc purchased 131,938 shares of the stock in a transaction dated Monday, March 7th. The shares were purchased at an average cost of GBX 380 ($4.98) per share, for a total transaction of £501,364.40 ($656,924.00). Shares of LON:AV opened at GBX 405.20 ($5.31) on Friday. The company […]
Aviva (LON:AV – Get Rating) had its target price boosted by JPMorgan Chase & Co. from GBX 510 ($6.84) to GBX 530 ($7.11) in a report published on Thursday morning, Price Targets.com reports. The brokerage currently has an overweight rating on the stock. A number of other research firms have also commented on AV. Shore […]