Lok Sabha election date viral letter: The Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi, clarified that a letter indicating April 16 as a tentative poll date for Lok Sabha Election 2024 was for advance planning purposes. After the letter went viral, the CEO explained on social media that it served as a reference in the Election Commission of India (ECI) Planner, outlining activities and dates. The mentioned date was solely for planning, and it has no bearing on the actual election schedule, which will be announced by the Election Commission of India .
Amidst growing speculation regarding the tentative dates of the forthcoming Lok Sabha elections this year, the office of the Chief Electoral Officer in Delhi has issued a clarification, putting to rest any confusion surrounding the date of April 16. ️ Lok Sabha Elections 2024: April 16 Only for Reference; Delhi Chief Electoral Officer Scotches General Poll Date Speculation.
Lok Sabha election date vial letter: The Chief Electoral Officer, Delhi, clarified that a letter indicating April 16 as a tentative poll date for Lok Sabha Election 2024 was for advance planning purposes. After the letter went viral, the CEO explained on social media that it served as a reference in the Election Commission of India (ECI) Planner, outlining activities and dates. The mentioned date was solely for planning, and it has no bearing on the actual election schedule, which will be announced by the Election Commission of India .