i m telling you. san francisco zoo is celebrating its newest attraction. a baby giraffe. coming into the world weighing 130, 5 10. wow. the little giraffe doesn t have a name just yet. zookeepers say she has spunk and will spend time bonding with her mom. out of sight for now. in a few weeks introduced to the general public. both of the new calf s parents live in the san francisco zoo. mom, dad, baby. pretty cute. she is so cute. must be giraffe season, there were were twins born. twins yesterday talking about. earlier, last week another, another baby giraffe some where we were also talking about. figuring out the height. cute. coming into the world at 5 10. yikes, poor mama. poor mama. give her a burger king feeder. apparatus. coming up, the two movie dramas getting so much buzz this weekend in insomniac theater. first, diane sawyer s in depth look inside the philadelphia school, the fear the students face every single day and the administrator who