New Economy asked Reliance Industries Ltd.'s Mukesh Ambani which books helped him make sense of 2021 and are preparing him for 2022. Stuff your stockings with these recommendations from Asia's richest man.
Josh Linkner (21st Century Business Forum)
For many companies, the concept of innovation can seem overwhelming and outside their capabilities. But innovation expert Josh Linkner says any organization can be innovative if it brings the right perspective to the creative process. We think innovation only counts if it is a billion-dollar idea, Linkner said. But as the author and entrepreneur outlines in his latest book, Big Little Breakthroughs: How Small, Everyday Innovations Drive Oversized Results, it s little ideas that can yield the greatest results while serving to democratize creativity and innovation by involving all employees of an organization. The good thing about little ideas is that they are accessible to us all, he said. We can all be everyday innovators regardless of our company or our role or our chosen profession.