The Andhra Pradesh government has filed a Special Leave Petition (SLP) in the Supreme Court against the grant of anticipatory bail to the TDP leader and the former Minister of Municipal Administration and Urban Development Ponguru Narayana, Lingamaneni Ramesh, Lingamaneni Rajashekar and KPV Anjani Kumar in connection with alleged irregularities in the Inner Ring Road (IRR)
The Andhra Pradesh High Court on Wednesday granted anticipatory bail to former minister Ponguru Narayana in a case relating alleged irregularities in sale of assigned lands in the Amaravati region.In an interim order on a petition by Narayana, .
In yet another major crackdown to his predecessor, Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jaganmohan Reddy on Friday served a notice to N Chandrababu Naidu for removal of an illegal bungalow on the Krishna riverbed taken on lease by the latter.