rates loans and those higher interest rates that are being charged on those rates that are being charged on those effectively have to be paid back at those effectively have to be paid back at some point in the future. with back at some point in the future. with everything else that is going on, with everything else that is going on. no with everything else that is going on. no one with everything else that is going on, no one really knows where inflation on, no one really knows where inflation will be years down the line inflation will be years down the line cost inflation will be years down the line. cost of living, as things stand line. cost of living, as things stand at line. cost of living, as things stand at the moment, it s impacting a lot of stand at the moment, it s impacting a lot of people and likely impact people a lot of people and likely impact people down the line when students start to people down the line when students start to getjobs people do