Mom faked daughter’s terminal illness for 3 years telling 11-year-old she was dying to get cash donations & free holiday
Updated: May 17 2021, 8:32 ET
AN 11-YEAR-OLD girl has been removed from her mother s care after she claimed the youngster was terminally ill to gain cash donations and handouts over three years.
Lindsey Abbuhl, 34, deceived hundreds of wellwishers and conned them out of thousands of dollars by pretending her daughter Rylee had a fatal condition, according to authorities.
A GoFundMe page set up by a friend for Rylee conned well wishers out of $4,500Credit: Gofundme
She told her community in Canton, Ohio, that Rylee suffered from a failure of her central nervous system - that she could barely eat, was constantly exhausted, on a barrage of pain medication and regularly experienced nighttime seizures.
Lindsey Abbuhl Canton Ohio mom made 11 year old daughter, Rylee believe she had terminal illness.
Lindsey Abbuhl Canton Ohio mother loses custody of 11 year old daughter after faking terminal cancer collecting free gifts and donations.
For three years a now 11 year old
Ohio girl believed her imminent death was a foregone conclusion after coming to trust her mother who told her she was in the grips of an incurable terminal disease. Except she wasn’t.
Come this weekend,
Lindsey Abbuhl, 34, lost custody of her daughter,
Rylee Abbuhl, after authorities placed the child in the care of her father after the girl’s mother’s ongoing falsely claiming the child was terminally ill in a
CANTON – Lindsey Abbuhl paraded her 11-year-old daughter to local fundraisers, and flew her halfway across the country to be the guest of honor during Texas A&M softball games.
The Canton mom described the girl s medical condition as a central nervous system malfunction. It had prematurely ended Rylee s softball career. Worse yet, it would end her life, mom said.
Rylee was dying.
At least that s what everyone believed.
Wishes Can Happen believed it. Lindsey s friends believed it. Softball players from colleges near and far, who d created videos for Rylee, believed it. Players on her own travel team believed it. Media, including this newspaper, believed it. Even Rylee herself believed it.
Lindsey Abbuhl said her daughter was terminally ill with nervous system failure
Fundraisers were held for the 11-year-old from Canton, Ohio and tickets donated
Rylee was told by her mother that she was dying from an incurable disease
The child s father Jamie Abbuhl, who divorced Lindsey in 2017, raised the alarm
On Friday he was granted custody of Rylee amid an investigation into Lindsey
Child support services found no medical evidence that Rylee was ill