Attorney General Merrick Garland, who boasted of arresting and convicting hundreds of people who rioted in the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, signed off on dismissing the charges and quashing the arrest warrant for a woman accused of blowing up a bomb near the Senate chamber.
Many on list are associated with a leftist group that bombed the Capitol in 1983. Democrats pardoned or commuted the sentences of non-fugitives tied to that group. The FBI has sounded the alarm about white supremacists and far-right extremists,.
You wouldnât think that someone as dumb as Joe Biden would cast aspersions on someone elseâs intelligence. But there he was labeling Texas governor Greg Abbott and Mississippiâs Tate Reeve Neanderthals because they had the good sense to finally say enoughâs enough and ended the fascistic lockdowns in their states.
It is certainly possible for people of good will to have different opinions about the efficacy of lockdowns, masks and social distancing. They can even view the Chinese virus with different degrees of alarm.
So far as I can see, based on the statistics, the virus is extremely dangerous if a person is either very old and/or has a sub-standard immune system. In which case, Mother Nature, with the able assistance of people like Andrew Cuomo, Phil Murphy, Gretchen Whitmer and a couple of other left-wing governors, has used the virus to thin the herd.