and i m, like, i wasn t. you did this. get away from me. he was saying that the police were saying you were involved? and i was, like, okay. you know, liar, and he was, like, i didn t, i didn t. but while both linda and the police were convinced gil was behind tom s death, investigators had no solid evidence. that grainy video didn t conclusively put him at the scene and they couldn t prove the sedative found in tom s system came from gil s office. the district attorney told his chief investigator they didn t have a case. we didn t have the evidence that i felt or that my boss felt was compelling to put before a jury. but the investigation wasn t over. detectives were hoping they would find gil s d-n-a in tom s car and link him to the crime scene. while they waited for those test results, they let tom s family know they were investigating the death as a homicide. tom s ex-wife, michele, called linda for an explanation.
nunez? what was going on between the two of them that they would all that tom kolman would allow the sexual relationship to continue between his wife and nunez? did you have to think of the scenario that maybe linda wanted tom out of the way so she could be with gilberto? no question. that was top on the priority list. and the first question for investigators did linda or gil drive a white suv? detectives knew that linda didn t. but gil did. he drove a white nissan pathfinder. i mean, there are a million white suvs out there. sure. once you think about it and you start looking, they re everywhere. oh, absolutely. a coincidence, but a suspicious one. detectives were also remembering how gil showed up at the scene of tom s death to console linda, and his reaction struck them as odd. it was described as that he was hysterical, almost jumping up and down like a pogo stick. very dramatic. not a common reaction that you
hindsight, i think he knew [sighs] probably by my body language. and just him knowin me as well as he did, that he was losin me. that night, linda felt she and tom were back on track. i remember comin upstairs and he picked me up and threw me on the bed and was, like, ticklin me. i think we both just felt like there s light at the end of this tunnel. and this is the old us. we re happy and silly and and we re gon we ll get through this, you know? the next morning tom was dead. and investigators were now learning details about his complicated personal life. a bit of a soap opera going on here. funny thing is, prior to meetin you guys, we said this is a dateline case. and here we are. [laughter] here we are. despite what they heard from linda and gil, investigators were somewhat skeptical that this love triangle really had no jealousy or resentment. d.a. investigator bill weishaupt. we had to try to determine, was there some type of relationship that we weren t
why are you so sure that there s not a darker side to gilberto nuã ez? i m not sure about anything. i think there s a darker side to all of us. people are complex. but there s absolutely no evidence that the guy committed murder. in court, gilberto was represented by two heavy hitters from new york city, evan lipton and gerald shargel who had previously defended mafia boss john gotti. they argued that the prosecution s case against their client was pure fantasy. they say that gil is such a schemer, but the plot they ve described here, it s like something out of a bad lifetime movie. the defense said if anyone was manipulating things it wasn t gil. it was linda. they read her texts to gil sent the very weekend she said she was rekindling her relationship with tom. i love you, i miss you. miss holding your hand. that soft spot scar on your face. mwah mwah mwah. can you just picture it?
would see. if it s a good friend, though, who died, is that not possible that someone would have a very hysterical reaction to that? you do see strange reactions from em, but i believe his reaction was more than overdramatic, would i say. we kept in the back of our heads for later on. both linda and gil told police the affair was now over. but investigators weren t so sure, and began watching them closely. there was electronic surveillance in terms of constantly monitoring their phone records, their computer records. and we also had a a gps tracker on nunez s car for a while. what were you hoping to find with that? we just wanted to determine whether, in fact, they were still together, if they were together at all. it looked like gil and linda were telling the truth. after weeks of watching them, police found no signs they d