midazolam? midazolam? and prosecutors still had to link gil to the crime scene. they wanted to prove the suspect suv seen at the planet fitness parking lot, belonged to gil. so we re able to track the movements of this vehicle through this gauntlet of cameras. grant fredericks is a forensic video analyst and was the key to making that connection. and we can begin to make observations of the vehicle itself and the pattern. police gathered additional video from nearby businesses to get a better look at the white suv. grant then pored through a database of 18,000 vehicles that s used by the f-b-i. each manufacturer, has a unique way of differentiating their vehicles. the length of the vehicle might be a big longer. the shape of the windows will be slightly different from manufacturer to manufacturer. fredericks testified that gil s car was as close a match as he could find to the one in the security video a 2010 nissan pathfinder.
she might have had access to hell would i ever want harm done midazolam. we made sure all the midazolam that they had was accounted for during that time period. they also asked her to take a polygraph test. she took a polygraph? yes, she did. pass? fail? passed. so she was ruled out, in in our eyes. that left one person policed needed to talk to again, her former lover, gil. and this time, they planned to confront him with all their suspicions. so they decided it was time to bring gil in for another talk. it lasted approximately seven hours. that s a long time. it was. there was a lot to cover. our biggest thing was the midzalam. the other thing was the vehicle. a team of investigators said they had video proving his suv was at the scene.
nunez? what was going on between the two of them that they would all that tom kolman would allow the sexual relationship to continue between his wife and nunez? did you have to think of the scenario that maybe linda wanted tom out of the way so she could be with gilberto? no question. that was top on the priority list. and the first question for investigators did linda or gil drive a white suv? detectives knew that linda didn t. but gil did. he drove a white nissan pathfinder. i mean, there are a million white suvs out there. sure. once you think about it and you start looking, they re everywhere. oh, absolutely. a coincidence, but a suspicious one. detectives were also remembering how gil showed up at the scene of tom s death to console linda, and his reaction struck them as odd. it was described as that he was hysterical, almost jumping up and down like a pogo stick. very dramatic. not a common reaction that you
not a search for a question about the drug. not how to kill with midazolam. a search that led to a wikipedia page. that search says nothing. as for the prosecution s star witness, the forensic video analyst who placed gilberto s s-u-v at the scene, the defense said his findings proved nothing. even the expert doesn t say, oh yes, i see in in the video surveillance it was tom kolman with gilberto in the car. no, he didn t even see if someone went from one car to the other car. the defense raised another possibility about who was in the white s-u-v. they reminded jurors, tom was found with his clothes disheveled and pants undone. and suggested that tom may have had some kind of liaison planned. an examination of his phone revealed that he had received an email from a hook-up website called be-naughty.com. the website that was found on his phone was benaughty.com, it was never the subject of any investigation in this case.
and he told the jury, one more important detail. the s-u-v in the video had a fog light defect, one that cast a distinct headlight pattern. what we re seeing from this vehicle is that it has this white light that is on the ground that moves in front of the vehicle. detectives tracked down gil s white s-u-v which he sold a few weeks after tom s death and drove it along the same route seen in the security footage. sure enough, when we went out to the scene and did our tests, we turned the lights on and there was the pattern that was quite visible. gil s car had the same defect visible in the video. prosecutors thought it was just what they needed to place gil at the crime scene and tie all their evidence together. that was a unique feature to that vehicle. and it was still exactly the same a year later. i have yet to find another nissan pathfinder, color white,