/PRNewswire/ The South by Southwest® Gaming Awards (SXSW®), celebrating the wide reach of gaming across areas such as art, design, narrative, gameplay,.
/PRNewswire/ The South by Southwest® Gaming Awards (SXSW®), celebrating the wide reach of gaming across areas such as art, design, narrative, gameplay,.
So far in Astrid & Lilly Save the World, our eponymous heroes have gone up against shapeshifters, sadomasochists, and monsters with a taste for testosterone. But it's their next adversary that might be the hardest: a pop culture phenomenon that's swept the town.
A new dance craze would appear to have laid hold of their high school body, and it's spreading like Gangnam Style wildfire into the whole town. But is there something more sinister at play than mere groupthink and peer pressure?
For two humans equipped with but pluck and some rather questionable superpowers, Astrid (Jane Morrison) and Lilly (Samantha Aucoin) are doing pretty darn good in their monster hunting mission. They've vanquished two otherworldly baddies, stood up to bullying of the normal human sort, and still managed to attend classes.