Do not attempt to adjust your television screen. Seeing double is par for the course in this week's brand-new episode of Astrid & Lilly Save the World, which features a monster capable of replicating any person it touches.
The fault lines are beginning to fissure between favorite dynamic duo, Astrid (Jana Morrison) and Lilly (Samantha Aucoin). As their personal lives diverge, and their romantic lives evolve, they find themselves spending more time apart.
This would be totally understandable, if painful, in any other friendship; but as these two heroines are Pine Academy’s primary monster-busting force, and stronger together than apart, their rocky alliance could endanger the survival of the entire world.
We can all agree that sexual education in schools is indispensable.
We can also agree that, though there might be some variation in chosen curricula, one sexual practice that should be cautioned against is interdimensional beings using humans as surrogates to gestate their offspring.
But some lessons are better learned outside the classroom. Which is why in this episode of Astrid & Lilly Save the World, our eponymous heroes are bringing their own punk brand of pedagogy into the halls.