moving this that direction. the question is how much of this will be lasting, is this a temporary thing? we won t know the answers to those things for some time. but using that speech and talking about immigration broadly in terms of the themes was very troubling to me as the son of immigrants. jonathan allen, you were at cpac with me as well this week, do you agree with his assessment of the different kind of atmosphere? absolutely. i agree with you about the atmosphere, just to go back to something he said very quickly, i think it is very important there was no distinction there. there was no distinction between legal immigration and illegal immigration, legal immigrants and the illegal immigrants. there are members of the president s family that were illegal to this country, including his wife. to not hear that broadly and to not think of it meant broadly, the president gave people to think of it like all immigrants. but in terms of the cpac changing, i talked to the weekly sta