Fifty-five years ago today on the Fourth of July, Delbert Stancill was supposed to fly out of Vietnam following 10 months of being in combat almost every day. It didn’t
The top 19 songs about books are a rich and diverse genre that celebrates the literary world and the power of storytelling. These songs are often inspired by specific books or authors, or simply explore the themes and emotions that books can evoke. One notable example is "Wuthering Heights" by Kate Bush, which was inspired
Technology Synchronizes Widely Spaced Devices by Jim Turley
Physics teaches us that distance is time. Light travels at a finite speed, so looking at a faraway object is, in a sense, looking back in time. Even the nearest star to our own, Proxima Centauri, is 4.25 lightyears away, so the light we see now is 4 years and 3 months old. You can’t look at it
now because “now” is relative.
Sitting in the back row of an auditorium, you can hear an audio simulcast or livestream sooner than you’d hear the speaker in person, because radio waves travel so much faster than sound. Even allowing for conversion time and transmission time, the digital version will reach you quicker. Weird.