Spain s environment minister, Teresa Ribera, has accused the Andalucían regional government of pandering to the far-right and engaging in "short-term electoral demagoguery" by pressing ahead with controversial irrigation plans for strawberry farms. Click to read more.
totally unnecessary. it was unnecessary. we are starting early. i want to talk about how performance has part replaced belief from politics to the classroom to social media is start with the democrats newest star justin pearson. he is one of the tennessee dam two started a near riot at a government building and disrupted disrupted invited legislative session with a bullhorn. to understand how he is now a star, let s go back a bit here he is in 2016 in college. i am justin j pearson and i running for president of bsg. their theories running this campaign that messier. one has to do with representation how can we represent all voices in a conversation? i want to do this by partnering with organizations and the democrats to the republicans went to bring together differen voices at dissenting voices. voices that may maybe my libera or conservative. so we can reach a point of the radical middle. he seems like the nicest young man ever running for school office and he makes it s sense
support of the war in ukrain in iraq, an influential libera journalist writing op-ed making the case at the time, and he has shown a lot o regret since, he has apologize and said he was totally wrong. he joins me now, peter beinart msnbc political analyst an author of the beinart notebook on substack who is editors o the liberal pro war magazine i the new republic back in 2003. thanks for coming back on th show, peter. you and your that magazine backed the war you were a noted and outspoken liberal hockey, even a yea later, in 2004, you are puttin out an editorial in your magazine that said, on a rock, we feel regret but no shame. in 2010 you are still bein called an unrepentant libera hawk you are talking about ho saddam has not - has bothered you when did you decide, peter, got it wrong, completely wrong and actually feel bad about, i feels, quote unquote, shame? i think the shame began a bit earlier and it was partl
liberal hawk, even a year later, in 2004, you are putting out a editorial in your magazine tha said, on iraw, we feel regre but no shame in 2010 you are still bein called an unrepentant libera hawk you are talking about ho saddam has not - has bothered you when did you decide, peter, got it wrong, completely wrong and actually feel bad about it feel, quote unquote, shame i think the shame began a bit earlier and it was partl personal i had a close relative who was a doctor in the army who was deployed to iraq, had to leave her small child and then got t afghanistan, had to leave both her kids michael kelly, a great man who had been my boss was coverin the war and was killed in th war. there i started seeing homeles iraq veterans on the streets o new york starting in the first essay wrote expressing regret, i think it was in 2007, then i wrote a whole book a coupl