trump cornered his desperate attempt to control the narrative ahead of potential indictment his niece, mary trump, is here along with professor - plus, zero accountability. 20 years to the day afte george w. bush launched hi illegal iraq war also tonight, march for ou lives cofounder david on th gun reform movement, and o president biden s new executiv order. good evening. i m mehdi hasan. picture the scene. a cult leader gathers hi followers in waco, texas, as law enforcement closes in. described as a pathologica liar and cinman, the cul leader rails against the government, rages against th godless left, and depict himself as the chosen one. his disciples eat it up. they worship him they even vowed to give thei lives for him. now, am i describing david koresh, the infamous leader wh was killed along with 75 of hi cult members in the fbi sieg of his waco compound in 1993 or, i might describing forme president donald trump because trump we ll be hosting his first mcc
obama had opposed the war. i think it shows donald trum in the republican primary, significantly because he claimed to have opposed th iraq war, even though we kno he didn t. americans were actually trying to change the direction of american foreign policy. if you look at the institution that produced the kind o people who make american foreign policy in both parties they are very tied to th military industrial complex an they tend to have a set of hawkish american exceptionalis attitudes that really aren t - that are quite insulated fro the american public opinion 100 percent agree with that. last question for you, peter why do you think of the lesson of iraq for today s geopolitics? for america s response to what is happening in ukraine, for example? for america s posture toward china? the lesson, first of all is just because something i bipartisan doesn t mean it s a good idea. vietnam was bipartisan as well and secondly, america needs to take much more seriously the things we h
Mehdi Hasan provides insightful reporting and probing interviews that examine the day s events and provide a deeper level of context for the politics of our.
that illegal invasion. as i pointed out on my show on peacock earlier this week, the people behind the debacle in iraq have largely failed up. they are doing just fine george w. bush s swapping coug drops with michelle obama. he is not worried about bein subjected to an arrest warrant from the international crimina court. kind of like the one that wa issued for vladimir putin on friday over his illega invasion of ukraine. nor has bush taken any rea responsibility at all. my next guest was an arden support of the war in iraq, an influential liberal journalist writing op-eds making the case at the time, and he has shown lot of regret since, he ha apologized and said he was totally wrong. he joins me now, peter beinart msnbc political analyst an author of the beinart notebook on substack who is editor of the liberal pro war magazine i the new republic back in 2003. thanks for coming back on th show, peter. you and your that magazine backed the war you were a noted and outspoken
liberal hawk, even a year later, in 2004, you are putting out a editorial in your magazine tha said, on iraw, we feel regre but no shame in 2010 you are still bein called an unrepentant libera hawk you are talking about ho saddam has not - has bothered you when did you decide, peter, got it wrong, completely wrong and actually feel bad about it feel, quote unquote, shame i think the shame began a bit earlier and it was partl personal i had a close relative who was a doctor in the army who was deployed to iraq, had to leave her small child and then got t afghanistan, had to leave both her kids michael kelly, a great man who had been my boss was coverin the war and was killed in th war. there i started seeing homeles iraq veterans on the streets o new york starting in the first essay wrote expressing regret, i think it was in 2007, then i wrote a whole book a coupl