The violent mayhem we have seen in the streets and cities that are run by liberal democrats in every case is the predictable result of years of extreme indoctrination and bias in education, journalism, and other cultural institutions. Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but that were villains. The radical view of American History is a web of lies. All perspective is removed. Every virtue is obscured. Every motive is twisted. Every fact is distorted. And every flaw is magnified until the history is purged and the record is disfigured beyond all recognition. This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore. They defiled the memory of washington, jefferson, lincoln, and roosevelt. Today, we will set history and historys record straight. [applause] pres. Trump before these figures were immortalized in stone, they were american
Welcome. We couldnt be more happy than you joining us here at the center and were happy there is a center for colorado womens history. Now im Michael Eriksson the Education Coordinator here and i love setting things up like this and we couldnt be more happy and honored to have charlotte waysman join us. Many of you know her and her partner here coauthor jill teigen wrote this book, beautiful book, that is worth every penny it is. Shes here and after shell answer all the questions after the presentation and have a table set up here to answer more questions or even sign one of the books if you purchase one here today. Were going to go ahead and get started here. Again, thank you for coming and thank you Charlotte Waisman for being here today. Thank you. Its great to be with all of you and thanks for many of you i know coming its good to have the smiling audience right in front of you. I was asked to talk about women of the west and i was told, you know, to talk 45 minutes and take 15 min
Here, and after, shell answer all of your questions after this presentation and well have a little table set up for her here to answer more questions or even sign one of the books if you purchase one here today. All right. Well, were going to go ahead and get started here. Again, thank you for coming and thank you, charlotte wasteman f for being here today. [ applause ] its great to be with all of you and thanks for many of you who nn coming. Its great to have that smiling audience right in front of you. I was asked to talk about women of the west and i was told, you know, to talk 45 minutes and take 15 minutes of questions. So i have a timer for myself, and i will start it. And i will stick to a script so that i can stick to time, because those of you who know me know that i also could just talk forever and i dont want to do that. Now, since you probably have other things to do as well today, we are having this filmed, so its very exciting. It will be on cspan3, i think. Yes, yes . Cs
Role of firearms have played over the course of American History. Welcome to the nra National Firearms museum. Im jim supica, the museum director, we will take a look at the history of americans and their firearms. We will start with the earliest precolonial days and go up through current times. We will look at the role firearms have played in terms of the settlement and expansion of america. The role firearms have played in military and sporting and personal shooting rolls. We will see the guns of champions, the guns of president s and heroes and we will see some great pieces of art. Firearms engraving on a steel canvas. The National Firearms museum is at nra headquarters in fairfax virginia. The museum has existed itself for nearly 80 years and we have been in this location for about 15. We are custodians of about 7000 firearms that have been donated to us or lent to us over the past 75 years. We have about 3000 on display here and about 1000 more at the nra National Sporting arms mu
Good evening. Welcome to mt. Vernon. My name is kevin butterfield. And it is my pleasure to welcome you here tonight on behalf of the Mount Vernons lady associations and Ford Motor Company which sponsors a free monthly book talk to learn from the greatest historians. Thank you for being here tonight. Were thrilled to have you. To begin the Program Shortly well hear a brief presentation from susan swain, copresident and executive officer of cspan and coauthors of the president s. Shell be joined by brian lamb, the founder and executive chairman of cspan and moderating and esteemed group of historians in discussing the american presidency. The american presidency is as you know a fascinating subject of inquiry in every possible way. In the constitution, theres not as much said about it as you might imagine. Article i is quite long, ii much shorter and the key phrase is about as short as you can imagine. The executive power should be vested in a president of the United States of america.