know, of course everybody s going to pay the price down the road. jenna: well, and, phil be, in the city of chicago which is the biggest railroad hub in the country, there s talk from officials of levying a fee for every rail car that has oil as almost a down payment if there s some sort of accident. so what would that mean for the oil business overall? you know, i think overall it s probably not a bad idea. i mean, you know, i hate to, you know, talk about taxes and things, but, you know, there s such a boom going on right now, if it takes a small tax to get the infrastructure in place, i m all for it. you know? i think this is only the beginning. jenna: steve, go ahead. you know, jenna, you mentioned north dakota where i ve been several times. it s interesting, you know, at night there s all these flares that go off where they burn off the natural gas. it s such a waste of the resource, and the reason they to that is they don t have the pipeline to get it to market. i want to sta