Past presidents should get along
I seldom feel motivated to publicly react to a fellow citizenâs letter to the Forum, but Iâm responding to Mr. Rockâs entry (Jan. 22).
In what way can former President George Bushâs respectful relationship with Bill Clinton be a bad thing? Clinton and H.W. Bush were even closer and often partnered in support of causes. The Obamas, Bushes, Clintons, and Carters share common purposes, united in friendship and respect for the institution of the presidency. Donald Trump maligned the character and accomplishments of former presidents, and, in his own interest, disgraced, exploited, and abused the presidency, attaining his current status in the Presidents Club. I feel Bushâs pre-announced vote for Biden was an important public service.
Letters: Legislative priorities and Capitol violence
With Mondayâs Question of the Week, we asked readers for their suggestions for legislative priorities in the upcoming session of the Tennessee General Assembly. Here are some of the responses we received.
Expand Medicaid
The first order of business should be (should have been 10 years ago) to pass Medicaid expansion offered through the Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) either with a block grant (requires federal approval and waiver) or with some modification similar to what Governor Haslam proposed with his own party not even voting to approve. Both options would reduce the state liability (10% of cost after 3 years).