harrison an suv struck the curb of a downtown tunnel hard enough, that the vehicles tire needed to be replaced, bringing the motorcade to a standstill. harris had to be transferred to another vehicle in the motorcade, so agents could safely speared her to the white house. like i said, small incident in the grand scream of things, car hits a curb, nobody gets hurt, vice president makes it safely to the white house. and yet, the post carol leonnig reported that things about the episode had both the vice president and the secret servers leadership scratching their heads. first, there is the issue of, how today agent train to drive the most precious cargo in the country have a one car accident on a cleared roadway. when the president or the vice president travels in a motorcade, the streets are empty, you can see right there. so that part is weird. and other red flag is what the secret service agents did immediately afterwards, when they sent a message alerting senior leadership
source, and about her story, about how i came into it. i have no reason to believe that it s the same. and there may well be more. i ll quote your source again, a very courageous woman. when reacting to the news that walker said he doesn t know where, she said sure i was stunned, but it also doesn t shock me that maybe there s just so many of us that he truly doesn t remember. but then again, if he really forgot about it, the abortion, that says something to. indeed, it does say something too. does she think he legitimately forgot about that so this is all political expediency? she is open to the possibility that i guess he would be able to forget about something like this. which again, as she said that s another statement in and of itself.
suggested that walkers abortion story was an open secret in georgia political circles. you are on msnbc earlier today with my colleague chris hayes and it suggested that that story that s being mentioned in political, may not be the same one is the one you reported on in the daily beast. they are by suggesting that there could be more than one woman that herschel walker paid to have an abortion, is that where we are at this point in the story? i would first start by focusing back on that one woman, first and foremost, every time and she s incredibly brave. she s remarkable, she has some really remarkable things to say. i encourage everybody to read our second report that identifies her as the mother of one of the children and see what she has to say about that, i ll talk more about that later. the political report that came out seem to imply that this allegation had been out there, washington post reported actually just tonight, that somebody had been advising the walker campaign. ve
own health care decisions. and i think the people of georgia, need a senator that will stand with them. i believe in women and their right to make their own health care decisions. throughout that press conference, senator warnock repeatedly declined to attack his opponent for his apparent approximately issue of abortion and instead focus like a laser, on the stark legal realities facing georgia women, and georgia voters generally. that kind of above the fray, relentlessly on message discipline from senator warnock s exactly what voters have come to expect from him. because that s the kind of politician-y that roy filed warnock just is. contrast that with his opponent, who spent the day fumbling s response to a growing sandal and interview after interview. here was herschel walker responding to the abortion allegations of conservative radio host hugh hewitt i know nothing about any woman having an abortion.
encouraged to pay for an abortion for a woman who was involved with, in 2009. he actually fathered a child with that same woman. and walker responded to those reporters with yet more denials. we think. initially it sounded like walker was saying the allegations are all a lie, but then shortly after he said on the other hand it s nothing to be ashamed of. we think. we re on top of that are maybe in tandem with that walker seemed to not patently deny the allegation that he threatened his ex-wife, and was violent towards her and their son. my ex-wife, in the past, has nothing to do with this moment here. what christian was talking about, i don t know. but as i said, if anything happened, nothing to be ashamed of, the reporter who broke the story, that s sparked this herschel walker saga, is what roger reported that a woman who asked not to be identified out of privacy concerns.