wasn t not a protestor. he was a trump supporter. let me explain it no, no, bakari, let him answer. go ahead. excuse me. i saw a clip and maybe my monitor, i m confused people were yelling and effectscorting somebody out. you re doing what they did. you re jumping to the conclusion he was a thug and protestor. come on anyone who is watching recognizes you re being outlandish. i ve been to many trump rallies. people of all colors and backgrounds have protested and people of all colors are trump supporters and trump haters and these protestors are not touched when they leave the rally. they re peacefully exited out, but the fact remains is hillary clinton and her operatives are paying people to insight violen violence. that s the real story, not showing somebody who happens to be a person of color get are escorted out. he missed the whole thing. let phillip and then bakari sum it up.
a supporter and not a protestor? he shouldn t have been ushered out. it was a mistake. human beings make mistakes. why are we using a silly mistake in a protest over stereotype. you could have said it was media bias it is media bias. i asked you a question. you could have answered it that way. we would have been done. you went all around the mulberry bush and came back do the conclusion when you realized he wasn t a protestor. don could i finish for ten seconds? trump engaged with the african-american community. he s a national diversity council. dr. ben carson is a close advisor and trump has been going into the inner cities saying democrats and the media has failed you. let s talk about jobs and uplifting the african-american community. they re going to respond and support trump in much larger words. and we ll give you the last word. thank you. you re a good man, don. they did a good job.
to the polls because if it s raining there s going to the polls is a hassle, and you may not go to the polls. i want you to listen, andy. let s watch and listen to what happened at a trump rally wednesday night in north carolina. we have a protestor. by the way, were you paid $1,500 to be a thug? where s the protestor? where is he? was he paid? we found out that clinton was paying people $1,500 plus an iphone to go out and be violent at our rallies. [ audience booing ] okay? it s a disgrace. it s a disgrace. but i ll tell you what, they found our people are very tough. they found that out. so andy dean, the man who trump labeled a thug and protestor, told my producer that he has been a trump supporter