wasn't not a protestor. >> he was a trump supporter. >> let me explain it -- >> no, no, bakari, let him answer. go ahead. >> excuse me. i saw a clip and maybe my monitor, i'm confused people were yelling and effectscorting somebody out. >> you're doing what they did. you're jumping to the conclusion he was a thug and protestor. >> come on anyone who is watching recognizes you're being outlandish. i've been to many trump rallies. people of all colors and backgrounds have protested and people of all colors are trump supporters and trump haters and these protestors are not touched when they leave the rally. they're peacefully exited out, but the fact remains is hillary clinton and her operatives are paying people to insight violen violence. that's the real story, not showing somebody who happens to be a person of color get are escorted out. >> he missed the whole thing. >> let phillip and then bakari sum it up.