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President Donald Trump says he is going to veto the National Defense Authorization Act and is spending his final days in the White House interested in a campaign to pressure members of Congress to join a futile effort to overturn the 2020 election. | Patrick Semansky/AP Photo
Good morning, it s Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020. Six years ago today, members of the 113
th Congress awoke to the news that their year-end job approval rating in a new Gallup poll was a paltry 15%. This was not quite as embarrassing as the 14% figure an all-time annual low racked up the year before. That year, 2013, had featured a 17-day government shutdown, which resulted in the single lowest job approval figure in congressional history: a November rating of 9%.
But in the spirit of the season, let’s focus on a happier event that took place on this date.
On Dec. 16, 1901, Edward and Emily Mead of Philadelphia welcomed a baby girl into their lives. From an early age, their daughter was smart and spunky. Her father, who taught economics at Penn, wasn t quite sure what to make of a girl so intellectually precocious. “It’s a pity you aren’t a boy,” he once told her. “You’d have gone far.”
game and near using social media to spread the word. plus parts of the country getting dumped on tonight. some of the storm could send a few flakes our way this weekend. we begin with that frightening attack on an elderly woman. thanks for joining us tonight. i m laura evans. i m brian bolter. the man responsible for leaving her covered in blood is still on the lewis tonight. fox 5 audrey barnes working this on the loose tonight. fox 5 audrey barnes working on this case tonight. the victim in this case is 84 years old and laid on her apartment floor for a day before her neighbor found her. it s an image he says he ll have trouble getting out of my head. she s like my grandmother. so you can imagine that. reporter: jonathan dohock said a neighbor asked for his help with an elderly woman who was attacked in her apartment left lying in her own blood. 24 hours after the attack wednesday afternoon until neighbors found her on thursday. she was sitting there so long y