From sewer needs, would-be waterfront and Whites Island projects, the ash ponds cleanup, Wawenock block repairs and Optimus Senior Housing, to the first James Weldon Johnson Day, Wiscasset rallying for a teacher’s child who had a stroke, the airport.
Dear Editor: I encourage everyone to elect Les Fossel to represent Maine House District 47. Les has valuable experience that we can use to get back to protecting the important values of daily life in Maine and our county. I have worked with Les on a.
Dear Editor: I’m writing to encourage people to vote for Les Fossel for the Maine House seat in District 47 - Alna, Jefferson, Whitefield, and Wiscasset. Les has served conscientiously and well in the past and will do so again if you give him the.
Come rain or come shine, Wiscasset- Scarecrow Fest 2022 is expecting a big turnout this year, with a move to the Wiscasset Municipal Building as a fortress against any negative weather! Starting Saturday, Oct. 8 , the Wiscasset Chamber will be.