you cannot have discrimination in these areas are run by people of color. 548 riots since the summer of love and 2020 and shawn it s getting worse because until democrats who believe in law and order i know that there s people out there who do. until they wake up and kick these guys out of office this will continue like it has been continuing in the cities for over 50 years. hannity: tray thank you and please always send our best to the families of those fallen officers we appreciate you being with us. leo i love my custom-made shirt i can t thank you enough. it looks good right? you look great. you look beautiful. hannity: monogram i m never gonna wash it. you look beautiful. it looks great. hannity: will have trey jonas. coming up far left activists targeting yet another supreme court justice this weekend protesting outside of the home of justice amy coney
struck inside the beltway tell the american public today, is the president trump running and when will he announce? you know. guys i have the scoop, i don t. [laughter] but a major look. look, i think everyone and washington that belongs to his party and the other party to absolute thanks he s a kingmaker. if you look at doctor oz. nuclear homeboy jd vance. he is a homeboy. in nevada people saw that our away because trump endorsed them. people do not get endorsed by him or lose an endorsement in alabama, don t desire that from him. i don t know, leo i feel like you would know if anyone on this table would know. only ask a different
he went for the beach for the truth is americans are getting hit on main street of course but also on wall street. on main street, diesel fuel is above $6.40 on average across the country. how do you think people get the groceries at the store on trucks. it takes goods from the farms. the price of diesel being hides a bigger deal than the price of gas. that is not just convenient can i go to the movies that is how can i make my living today? you have a truck with much of lawn care equipment audit everything on that truck takes gas the diesel truck get the therapy you re absolutely right. can i piggyback on that? you did that piece in the vat up people walking to his job. you guys are wrong california price of gas, diesel six, seven, eight, nine bucks a gallon per. leo i am not wrong because i don t live there. i m wrong i live there. my last point out that segment that opening video segment they are all in denial. the democrats into look in the
work trying to change that. institutions are made by human beings. because we are human by necessity we make mistakes. it is the nature of the human enterprise. she works to regain the public s trust the fbi is looking to gain answers into violence and threats against pro-life groups like graffiti and fire bombing attacks on pregnancy centers around the country. so, leo i ll go to you first as the resident lawyer here. there are some people who do exist like professors at universities like yale law school for example who are pro-choice. they are democrats but believe it roe versus wade was a bad law and returning abortion rights to the states is actually the constitutional way to go. i think that s aptly correct but hear something about it, katy people try to make the assumption this decision will be handed out by the supreme court is going to end a woman s right.
grocery store? how do i feel when i go to the gas station? importer leo california is like $5.92 a gallon. it is just unbelievable. i felt for you when i saw that, leo i felt so bad. i feel bad for everyone. this is really hard. we are going to see the talking point to definitely change just be much more directed much more pointed in the primaries as well. the messaging will be consistent and it will change a bit because we have a lot of topics people are upset about these days this is number one. so we have to keep that in mind. it is maybe have to open up a gofundme page to pay for gas in california i m not quite sure think you can probably afford it though. i want to point this out to the number one issues facing america 22% say the cost of living insert number one issued 18% say it s jobs and the economy 22% voting rights with election integrity 10% is abortion 9% immigration climate change.