The South Arkansas Historical Preservation Society s Black History Month exhibit is now on display at the Gallery of History and the organization held a Member s Reception event Friday night to unveil the exhibit.
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Your support of our work is inspiring and invaluable. / Controversial Contest: The Nation’s Most Famous Pageant for Women Will Cease To Judge Contestants on Their Physical Appearance
Controversial Contest: The Nation’s Most Famous Pageant for Women Will Cease To Judge Contestants on Their Physical Appearance From its inception in 1921 to the present, the competition that overidealized femininity has earned admiration from many and intense disgust from others.
AFTER MONTHS OF INTENSE CONTROVERSY plaguing the Miss America Organization in 2018, Gretchen Carlson, Miss America 1989 and chairwoman of the governing body, announced that the nation’s most famous pageant for women would cease judging contestants on their physical appearance.