January is School Board Recognition Month. This is a time to recognize the individuals who approach their volunteer work like it is a full-time job and with extraordinary dedication to public schools. They are citizens whose decisions affect our children and build our community.In a year full of challenges for public education not seen in recent history, school board members persevered through the adversity of 2020 to provide the best possible education for our students. Celebrating School
The Carroll Road Solar Farm — a 200-megawatt solar farm proposed for installation in southeastern Lenawee County — was met with both support and opposition.At least 75% of the proposed project would be in Deerfield Township, while the other 25% would be in Riga Township.The solar farm has made progress in 2020, despite the coronavirus pandemic causing some hiccups in the way in which solar proponents would like to get word out to the community about the project.In January, a public