we re seeing some say abolish ice. what others are saying in democratic leadership like nancy pelosi and denny hoyer let s overhaul it. let s not say abolish it but look at overhauling the agency and fixing it. several people have said this isn t an issue that we ll win on. looking ahead to 2018 there has to be a different way to dial this back so you aren t alienating a huge part of the party as well as the right. leland: there is an old political axiom when your opponent is getting ready to jump off the cliff, don t get in the way. republicans think it s jumping off a cliff. are republicans doing anything to get in the way or have they sort of been smart about this and stepped out of it? well, we have seen the president and several other top republican figures say let them run with this issue and
open. we are continuing our conversations and our consultations with the north korean government about what the president and what kim jong-un agreed to at the singapore summit. so we have a whole lot to talk about. we ve had very clear conversations with them. there will be no surprises in terms of what we are asking them to do. our policy remains the same today as it was going into the singapore summit. president trump has repeatedly claimed some victory for his north korea policy recently tweeting many good conversations with north korea. it is all going well. in the meantime no rocket launches or nuclear testing in eight months. all of asia is thrilled. only the opposition party, which includes the fake news, is complaining, if not for me, we would now be at war with north korea. democrats have complained the united states has gotten little in exchange for its concessions at that singapore summit. leland: important to know where we re at at this point.
with a new appointee get rid of affirmative action. we ll see. leland: we now have a supreme court justice pick coming up. more on that in a minute. appreciate you guys being here. molly. molly: we are celebrating our nation s independence all day on fox news channel. if moments we remember those serving. you will get an exclusive tour about one of the warships that helped keep us free and safe as our coverage on this fourth of july continues. we have to reaffirm that jew, gentile, we are one nation under god, black and white, we are one nation indivisible, that republican and democrat, we are all americans. [music playing]
catherine herridge questioned strzok as he walked into a room. what s the dangers here in complying? well, listen, if he does not comply you are both absolutely right he could be held in contempt of congress. there is a monetary fine attached if that happens and he could go to jail. usually contempt of congress charge could allow for one month and 12 months in jail. that s happened before. and interestingly officials in both parties have not complied with subpoenas from congress in the past. leland: what is so bad about testifying and being in contempt is better? i don t think it is better and i think usually when people like him make noise about not wanting to comply, usually over time they back down and they do comply. i think it s likely in this case. he testified for close to 11 hours last week in a closed hearing. now they re asking him to come back in an open hearing. my advice would be comply, play
it was very taxing and especially with the emotional leverage of the young boys. it is an extreme cave system. it is very long. one of the longest in thailand. 13 individuals that will required a definite level of training and need to be assessed of the individuals before you attempt to bring them out using scuba gear. leland: there are so many risks. we talked to greg palkot earlier. they don t have a good option. you can wait four months for the water to go down. you can try to drill all the way down a half mile, or you try this rescue operation that has kids who have never learned to swim, don t know how to swim try to scuba dive and cave dive is the most dangerous diving you can do. molly: they are talking about half mile of water. it is not a swimming pool half