Busy all year ’round
This is one in a series of outreach columns from the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
At the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities, we provide valuable services and support to people with disabilities in the community all year round.
Although our employees work all year to ensure people with disabilities are receiving the services they need to live and work in Champaign County, summer does bring a few new opportunities for our Board to get involved in the community. For the fifth straight summer, our Board has partnered with the Champaign Family YMCA and Champaign Residential Services, Inc. to provide a camp experience to eligible children in the area. These students with disabilities are supported by trained providers to participate in activities along with typical peers at a week-long YMCA day-camp.
Celebrating graduations at the Champaign County Board of DD
This is one in a series of outreach columns from the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
Here at the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the month of May means graduations for us too. We are celebrating the students we work with in schools all over Champaign County who are graduating from high school.
We celebrate the graduations of the many individuals our team serves throughout the county this month. This often means that these individuals move into the world of adulthood, sometimes moving out on their own and seeking employment. These are services that the Champaign County Board of DD can assist with. Our Service and Support Administration Department will assess the needs of the individual to determine the type of living situation and supports needed and help implement them. This can often mean helping the family determine if they need additional supports in the hom
Shelby County Board of DD celebrates graduation
By Leigh Anne Wenning - Contributing columnist
Here at the Shelby County Board of Developmental Disabilities, the month of May means graduations for us too. Not only are we celebrating our Shelby Hills Preschool graduates, but we are celebrating the students we work with in schools all over Shelby County who are graduating.
For Shelby Hills Preschool, we were grateful to be able to hold in-person graduations this year for the students heading to Kindergarten next year. We had 83 graduates from Shelby Hills Preschool this year, from our Sidney Center, as well as our satellites at Anna, Hardin-Houston and Fort Loramie. Attending these events is always such a joy for me. I love seeing the proud families, and I especially love seeing students of all abilities coming up to get their certificates. The value of inclusivity is a foundation in everything we do at the Shelby County Board of DD and something that shows in our preschool program.
April is National Autism Awareness Month
This is one in a series of outreach columns from the Champaign County Board of Developmental Disabilities.
April is Autism Acceptance month or National Autism Awareness Month. This month is designated to promote awareness of autism and autism spectrum disorders and shine light on the unique abilities that people with autism bring.
Autism is a neurological condition that is typically diagnosed by the age of three, but may be diagnosed later in life. Children with autism, just like any other child, vary significantly and display a wide range of conditions. Autism often affects a person’s communication abilities, impact social skills, nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Autism is known as a spectrum disorder and people with autism each have a unique experience with their own challenges and strengths. Some individuals with autism may need significant help with their daily life and require a parent or paid direc
April is Autism Awareness Month
By Leigh Anne Wenning - Contributing columnist
April is Autism Acceptance Month or National Autism Awareness Month. This month is designated to promote awareness of autism and autism spectrum disorders and shine light on the unique abilities that people with autism bring.
Autism is a neurological condition that is typically diagnosed by the age of 3, but may be diagnosed later in life. Children with autism, just like any other child, vary significantly and display a wide range of conditions. Autism often affects a person’s communication abilities, impact social skills, nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Autism is known as a spectrum disorder and people with autism each have a unique experience with their own challenges and strengths. Some individuals with autism may need significant help with their daily life and require a parent or paid direct support professional to assist them with daily living tasks. While other people with auti