suspecting for years, the robot revolution is upon us. exhibit number one, a lego robot that can replicate anything made of legos. and since it is made of legos it is only a matter of time before it figures out how to duplicate itself into a lego army, self-reproducing lego robots. and when it evolves from legos to regular parts, of course it will start mass producing these, autonomous minihell had copters. it who havers, darts back and forth, flies through rings, even darts through a hoop when tossed in the air. all of it with no human input and self-manufacturing. finally, when i m in japan, been a while, mind you, i m going to demand people prove they are not row bought and singing and dancing will no longer be adequate evidence you are humanity. this, the hrp 4 c, further proof
providing seed money for the tea party and now holding a secret meeting to work out how the win in 2012, who was it that said that opaque and secret systems reward the exploiters and transparent system reese ward those who are altruistic and great? i don t know, seems like it makes sense. also who says crime doesn t pay? we are joined with a daily rant on the man behind one of the biggest frauds in american housing history by cenk uighur. and a lego robot who builds lego row the boss. let me repeat that a lego robot that makes lego robots. just another sign of the impending digital apocalypse, the robots are taking over, people. we are back after this. hi.