ideology in a way that does make us different from other countries. well, karen, i will always believe that you are exceptional and i m sure we will be watching this a lot as 2011 unfolds. still ahead here on the d.r. show why are we building schools and roads in afghanistan while our infrastructure crew bills here at home? cenk uighur has thoughts on that in the daily rapt. first, driven to censorship. should automakers let parents control what their teenagers listen to on the car radio? we will be right back.
mike papantonio, host of the ring of fire radio show. cenk. hey, mike. mike, look, let ask but the republicans first. the democrats actually introduced bills in the spring in the house and the senate to take away tax subsidies for offshoring our jobs. it s the most logical bill i have ever heard and the republicans killed t do these guys care about american jobs at all or have they just stopped pretending? there s nothing patriotic or compassionate about u.s. chamber of commerce and corporate america. they are there for one reason and that is to make as much as they can as quickly as they can. look, there s the carrot in the club in the way that you deal with corporate america at this level. unfortunately, obama is too willing to put too much carrot out there and not use enough club. he has forgotten, cenk that when america labor movement, movement in america, launched their buy american idea with, they had they had a whole campaign, buy american, it was the u.s. chamber of commerc
biggest corporations in america that spent millions to try to defeat that. now, these campaign that would have created jobs in america. you know what they don t want to be in america. they want to be in saipan, china and inya, where there s no rules there s no regulations there s no taxes. they don t have to play by anybody s rules. so what they have done now, cenk, they are holding obama hostage. and he doesn t understand it here is how they are holding him hostage. he is saying, look, if you tax us, we are going to go to india. if you regulate us, we are going to go to saipan. if you do what you re supposed to do in protecting the american worker, we are going to go somewhere else. obama right now believes that he can deal with corporate america by saying please, pretty please. it is not a kumbaya moment for obama right now. he needs to make them understand that he is going to sanction them this way, there s all types of things he can do, even by executive orders, things like subsidi
and be more progressive or keep cutting all these deals that are largely republican? i think he will fight harder because he is going to have to. the crazy is going to be come act that man like you will not believe it with this house. so i think we are going to see the fighter because he has a conscience. he doesn t like crazy. and i think that the accommodation in this guy that has frustrated us, just not going to have that many chances for accommodation, going to be foyting some nasty stuff. so i think we are going to see a for the, not going to be great but make us happen pay all right of the time it. that is my optimism for the new year. i hope so i like that, end on an optimistic note, too. joan, thank you, we appreciate it. good. thank you, cenk. now, coming up, the wall street banksters are very upset with obama, even though they are still making record profits, they say obama hurt their feelings. we will tell you why. then sarah palin tried explain her infamous refud
of wusses and wussies. the wussification of america. i think we have lost a little bit, cenk, of our boldness, our pioneer spirit, our innovation and the eagles game, cancelling that game was a metaphor for that and is perm nating in a lot of what we do good lord, can you imagine vince lombardi? he would be rolling over in his grave if he knew we cancelled a football game when at the time of the kickoff there were six inches of snow on the ground. good lord. come on, america. man up. i love ending on notes of agreement, i totally agreed they should have played in the snow. thank you, cenk. see ya. thank you, governor rendell. see ya. for more, let me bring in joan walsh, editor at large for joan, look, let me get a reality check here on me, right? right. obama loyalists say i don t understand politics and that we just constantly have to compromise with the republicans, et cetera and then i m not understanding obama s brilliance. who s right and wrong here? fi