Justice of the Second Circuit court of appeals. He shares his approach to interpreting laws passed by congress. Withspan 2, indepth former congressman ron paul. On saturday, live coverage of the National Book festival from the history and biography pavilions. Speakers, interviews and viewer collins. Sunday at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, William Burroughs talking about his book, the asteroid threat. Cspanican history tv on 3, a nasa documentary about the 1969 moon landing. War,day, on the civil general William Tecumseh sherman. Sunday night, a look at election laws and Supreme Court cases. Find our Television Schedule at www. Cspan. Org and let us know what you think about the programs you are watching. Join the cspan conversation. Like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. This summer, attorney general eric holder wrote to Florida Governor rick scott, expressing concerns about new election laws the state has enacted, saying the measures may limit Voter Participation in the state. Next, a Panel
Illegal immigrants. Tomorrow night, a debate between bill nye the science guy and ken theory of evolution. You can get a debate tomorrow night at 8 00 on cspan. Cspan presents debates on what makes america great, evolution, and genetically modified food. Indepth looks at Veterans Health care, Student Loans debt, and campus sexual assault. Rights,arming, voting and food safety. Sights and sounds from americas historic places. Find our tv schedule one week in advance at cspan. Org. Let us know what you think about the programs you are watching. Conversation, like us on facebook, follow us on twitter. A panel of legal analyst looked at election loss and their impact on Voting Rights election laws and their impact on Voting Rights. This was held at Saint Thomas University law school at miami gardens, florida. This is an hour. This is a distinguished panel this morning. I am really excited to be the moderator. The people on this panel, i think, have thought long and hard, both in the trench
Here d afternoon, im representing shariff who couldnt make it from the nations mosque. This we know is massive. But the question i wanted to pose to this panel that oftentimes we dont address and professor esposito you did a great job of the great education of the muslims an i would equate that. As the person who accepted a son willingly and freely as a youth and now as an adult, i know this is not thespian talk. Every person is educated to know this is not islam. But we never seem to address these individuals who step outside of the bounds of islam and equate them as criminals because thats exactly what their actions are. Islam teaches us to look at a persons actions and deeds. But i never hear that being addressed as much. Im getting to the question. Im saying also as person who was under the leadership, we were considered a radical group ourselves. But after 1975, we changed and came into a broader understanding of islam. We became more reform. And many of our members are judges, la
The second time this year it has gone to the bullpen region. President will meet with the president s of estonia, live the way mia and all nato members. Ukraine is not a member. U. S. Resident will speak to troops who were sent for military exercise that were meant to serve as a deterrent to russia. President obama attends the nato summit thursday and will be back in washington friday. Live coverage of todays white house meeting with josh earnest. That briefing is scheduled to begin at 12 30. We will also be live at 3 00 eastern with a director of global health. She will speedt up analyst hosted by the center for strategic and international studies. That starts again at 3 00 eastern. A panel of legal analyst looks at current election laws and how they impact voting light Voting Rights. Federal Court Rulings and federal id laws and the prospects for unified registration system. The hourlong event are part of a Conference Held in say thomas, University Law school in Miami Gardens florida
Originally published June 6 on IdahoEdNews.org.NAMPA — The College of Western Idaho gave the Legislature’s most powerful committee the runaround Wednesday afternoon.