Irs, proposals to change that. Is that going to happen . Not anytime soon. They pulled the proposal to revamp it and a new version is not expected until early next year. The irs is pretty gun shy after fromlack eyes they got scrutinizing the Tea Party Groups in ways that did not seem to be equal to groups of other political stripes. That is coming and expected sometime next year. The initial version of the draft changed the rules of these socalled welfare organizations getting pretty heavy criticism by both sides. A reminder to our cspan viewers that all of the hearings recovered are available on cspan. Org. You can read more on politico. Com. Kim, thank you so much. Are issues spotlight series continues next wednesday with an indepth look at campus Sexual Assault. We will show hearing from late june showing senior government officials and Sexual Assault survivors are now work on campus. We will speak to a reporter about the latest efforts to address the issue by the white house and congress. That starts 8 00 p. M. Next wednesday here on cspan. Tonight, cspans American History tour continues with a focus on native americans beginning with a look at the battle of the little bighorn. We examine the u. S. Government attempt to take land previously promised to native americans that led to the conflict now known as general custers last stand. Heres a preview. When the americans come out west, they want to turn the sioux, the cheyenne, the arapahoe, the blackfoot, the crow into christian farmers. Sitting bull is not about to bend over, scratch and claw at the ground with a hoe to try and make a living. Crazy horse is not going to surrender his pony and hook it. P to a plow they are hunters. They are warriors. Thats their vision. Mid1870s, 1873 there is an economic crisis. The stock market crashes and the Banking System rolls over. People are losing their jobs, their life savings. There is 20 unemployment. Does any of that ring a bell . Tough times in america. Ulysses s. Grant is the president and hes going to have to rough up the economy or he will not yet reelected. He needs an economic stimulus package and George Custer will provide it, gold in the black hills. Custer leads an expedition into the black hills in western south dakota and rumors of gold or assisted for years but now it is a reality. The blackold in hills. Newspaper reports say all you have to do is walk through the grass and pick up nuggets off the tops of your shoes. Miners, prospect is, entrepreneurs pour into the hills overnight. Deadwood hit 3000 people really quick. Everyone of them is an illegal alien because the black hills guaranteedhe sioux by the treaty of 1868. The white mans promise. While ill health, wild bill hickock shot in the back of the and so an illegal alien as calamity jane. This was sacred ground. Literal hills, the hills are black. He wants to get at that gold, rather the economy, put old in the treasuries of these going to the black hills. 7 million is a lot of money. Sitting bull, crazy horse, lame white man, others. Not for sale. You do not sell the ground your ancestors walked on and now their bones lay beneath. Not for sale. Cspan American History tour focusing on native americans includes a tour of a new mexico pueblo, a Spanish Mission in florida, and a look at native american pictographs in montana. Primetime, indepth interview with ron paul. On cspan 3, moore from the archival film series reel amer ica. 8 00 p. M. L tonight at eastern on the cspan networks. Journal on washington , tim lynch from the Cato Institute on the militarization of police forces. Corporate tax inversions when a u. S. Business incorporates overseas for tax reasons like burger king did this week. Then a look at the american rugyer with veronique de and larry mishel. Live saturdayrnal morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Next, remarks from british Prime Minister David Cameron on why he thinks scotland should stay in the u. K. He spoke in glasgow about the planned vote on september 18 on whether to vote for independence or to stay with the u. K. This is 50 minutes. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Gentlemen, welcome to the hilton glasgow. Mr. Johnlp me welcome howie, the chairman of cbi. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, a very annuallcome to the cbi dinner. Im pleased to welcome the right honorable David Cameron. Dinner is taking place exactly three weeks before scotland goes to the polls to make the biggest constitutional decision in its history. In the somehis is bearing of the format of tonights dinner. I hope obama the truck from your enjoyment. The Prime Minister has kindly offered to answer some questions from the floor so he is going to sing for his supper. The independence referendum will be a subject of debate at most of the tables this evening and most of our guest speakers. Im a very personal perspective, i remain convinced that a great number of people in scotland will be going to polling stations being told untrue facts. The designers behind the statements but we all know the reality seems to be somewhat different. As in the business world, there uncertain there can be no certainties. Accusations that they have been very negative and scaremongering. We makeess people, investments and other critical decisions based on our ability to balance the known opportunity with the available risks and mitigated options. All these plans will make any decision whether it is an acquisition or infrastructure. The rest of the uncertainty surrounding independence appeared to be relatively clear but we should not accept everything we find as mitigation that everything will be better as a definition of the opportunity. I think we will get public we have raised before going to the polls. It is yet to see that this will have any impact. We have the right to vote. A letter published yesterday by 130 prominent scottish Business Leaders should prove that they think the economy can only grow through the creation of private sector jobs. They will see whether we are pursuing independence. Cbi scotland will continue to have a role to make sure that the voice of the Scottish Business Community is heard. Increasingng evidence that the u. K. Economies rebounding strongly without the inflation we may have expected. We are seeing more growth from consumer spending, however. Although the recession took its toll and a number of key sectors, its a testimony to the resilience and determination of his misses that we have been able to weather the storm more effective than many of our international partners. My discussions with many of our members in scotland, i get the theyre looking to exploit new opportunities as they arise. I think many sectors and Companies Continue to struggle with access to finance and the challenge of retaining key staff. Growth that overall wage is still lagging behind inflation. Any additional growth in this. Rea is backed by productivity finally, our members are looking to seek our help, guidance, and support and i have no doubt that cbi scotland remains ready to meet the challenge. Its been my great religion to scotlandairman of cbi for the last year. Thank you. [applause] in nondisney great pleasure to gives me the it now great pleasure to introduce the president of the cbi. I cannot see how he fits in all of these commitments in. He is the deputy chairman of barclays. Mcgrawhill financial, and a member of the Prime Ministers business of visor a group. Is also Vice President of governors of wellington college, a member ofstival the board of the Transatlantic Business Council for the trustee of prince of Wales Charity foundation. Senior adviser at chatham house, member of the International Baccalaureate advisory group, and Global Advisory for the Oxford University center for corporate reputation. Breathe. Pembroke fellow at College Cambridge and the pain train of the Science Museum and eight patron of the Science Museum. I think ive lost the page. [laughter] i probably means its time for me to be quiet and introduce sir michael rake. [applause] i would rather not be reminded of all of those things because it makes me feel dizzy. Good evening. Thank you very much for your introduction. Thank you for your hard work, andrew colette, and the cbi arranging this annual budget dinner. I would also really like to say a special thank you to ian mcmillan, director of cbi scotland due shortly to retire. You should have a very happy retirement. Thank you very much for everything you have done for cbi especially during the last few months were the political debate has become increasingly intense. [applause] and delighted to welcome the Prime Minister David Cameron here tonight. Its a great leisure to have you here, Prime Minister. Glasgow has until recently has been teeming with people from every corner of the commonwealth. Not unlike the 19th century when glasgow was heralded as the second city of the british empire. The mosten one of recent art dust devils in edinburgh. Now the eyes are on scotland for the final decision you have to make on september 18. Your friends and allies all the way around the world in europe and beyond hope you make the right decision. Turning briefly to the u. K. Economy, im really pleased with the predictions from last year that the u. K. Had finally decided to shake off the economic gloom have room to correct. The Coalition Government should be commended for sticking to the painful but essential program of deficit reduction. Allow me to begin with a few words of the unmistakable good news about the state of the nations economy. We have finally found our way back to the kind of Economic Growth figures we were seeing precrisis. October output is now greater than it was in 2008. Forecastby 1. 7 and we 3 for this year. Confidence is rising. Of investment is increasing. The labor market is growing strongly and output across most sectors is up. Scotlands economy is also showing welcome signs of growth. Employment figures remain strong particularly in the private sector and output on Scotland Services sector is also increasing. Yet, there are significant economic challenges for the whole of the u. K. Which threaten to undermine our progress. We still have one of the largest budgetary deficits in the oecd. Targets have not been met and the appreciation of sterling is beginning to cause concern to exporters and investors. Despite the strengthening recovery, our levels of productivity remain below prerecession levels. Drunk or regrowth and productivity requires environment and culture which we significantly improved the skills and employability of our workforce. Emigration also has to be an important part of the solution for both our skill shortages in future demographic trends. Investment is also key to productivity growth but is being hampered by a number of uncertainties. Air is the troubling rise in geopolitical tensions in syria, iraq, gaza, ukraine among others which feed on uncertainty in the markets but our influence is limited. Here at home, however, there are fiscal uncertainties over which we have greater capacity for influence. As the chancellor said at the cbi annual dinner earlier this year, one of the greatest risks is opportunistic Party Political advantage at the x bentz expense of putting the National Interest first. Ill considered policy statements either from the populist right continue statist left to generate uncertainty. Real concern about received antieu or antibusiness agendas is weakening our ability to produce better paid jobs and prosperity through investment whether domestic or foreign. Like theitical events referendum three weeks from today, the general election next year, Scottish Parliamentary election in 2016, and a possible Eu Referendum in 2017 also contribute their own specific share of uncertainties. I would like to focus on the most eminent of these first and then talk about the wider u. K. And europe. The decision on scotlands future is one for the scottish voters. Right and the duty to raise questions about the referendum and issues of legitimate interest for businesses for employees and u. K. Citizens generally. Our views are based only on hard economic facts. Any evidencesee for the position that independence would be economically beneficial for scotland or the rest of the u. K. Indeed, to the contrary. It is and will continue to create real uncertainty which could prejudice against scotland in the United Kingdom. When i became president , my first speech was delivered to you at this dinner last year and i have a deeply held conviction about the u. K. In the firm belief we are and always have been greater than the sum of our parts in the union that binds us together makes us the kind of country others aspire to be. That we share a mature and highly integrated economy. We talk the same language. We respect each others cultures. We abide by the same rules, standards, and principles. We are stronger for all of these reasons. The questions we have raised our nothing about whether scotland would be able to survive without the United Kingdom. The issue is will it prosper . The issue of the yes vote is enormous. After more than three centuries of working together we have established Significant Interest on which businesses and consumers rely. The labor market in the friedman freedom of movement of our citizens, goods and Services Like finance, energy independence, thriving by being part of the internal market 60 Million Consumers as well as being linked to a network of regulations, investments, and support. We should have no fear of drawing strength to what is achievable as one state. We are currently outranking the rest of the worlds Major Economies and scotland is a contributor but also a beneficiary of that success. U. K. , scotland also benefits from our shared public institutions, the nhs, the bbc, the armed forces, job center plus. There are over 200 bodies in all. Is a profound difference between how we share them now and sharing them within a neighboring but separate nationstate. Can be taken for granted and there are no guarantees. The Currency Union is an example. The liability and exposure of lack of control such a union would levy on the european taxpayer makes it an obvious nonnegotiable position for the u. K. Government. All of the major local parties and westminster have made it clear that sharing the pound will not happen. That is why we wanted to see what the Scottish Government alternative land would be. The absence of certainty for such a fundamental component of a commercial environment makes it extremely difficult for businesses to plan. This leads me onto questions around eu membership. It is already clear that as a new state, scotland would have to leave and then reapply to join the eu. It would have to negotiate terms of membership which would require the agreement from all 28 member states. May well meanse considering, if not signing up, for the euro which would in turn create a border between england and scotland, and northern ireland, hampering trade between countries. Of question is whether all this negotiation would match the favorable terms already established by the u. K. However, it is clear that scottish voters would like things to be done differently. That is true for voters in many parts of the United Kingdom and politicians of all parties have expressed a willingness to respond. Decisions which affect our citizenship matter enormously and questions around how, who, and when those decisions are made on only drum the pace of change year but carry over to the u. K. Role in the eu. Business is in no doubt that we must remain and secure our countrys Global Future. Open markets are an essential part of an open economy. If we are isolated, we cannot be at our best. It is absolutely necessary to make the most of our National Influence abroad. The jobs and growth we need depend on our external relationships and our membership in the european Single Market is most crucial. 45 of our exports currently go to the eu. Compare that the 6. 9 then go to the others and you do not have to be a mathematical genius to see why europe remains so important whilst offering opportunities more broadly. We except that calling a referendum on eu membership is an issue for the government. Ambiguity has already and is increasingly causing real concern for businesses regarding future investment plans. The eu is not perfect. The cbi Global Future report november last year looks seriously at other options to membership and concludes unequivocably that we are best served by remaining in the eu and seeking reforms which ban our collective prosperity. Be constructively engaged with realistic targets and timetables so the reform, like our union here, the advantages of the eu far outweigh the disadvantages. We dont want a special deal to satisfy our measures but we do want europe to become a more efficient place to do business. Agenda than lisbon treaty. For europe to be more open and more competitive creating the jobs that are so badly needed right across the European Union. Actually, we have many allies in europe who share these ideals. For most of the business organizations like the cbi liken it to many successful governments. We have to constantly improve and shrugged off things that stifle our competitive determination. With the new commission and parliament theres a window of opportunity in which to establish the Building Blocks for reform. We need others to be building helpful alliances in the european core doors corridors of power. They are of no use unless they reinforced the resolve to drive together towards prosperity and a Better Future for our citizens. Is toention this evening look into the political and economic relations we share with each other to reiterate a much there is still to achieve and how much more likely we are to we minimize uncertainty and maximize our collective strength. Understanding the scale of what lies ahead and balancing the challenges we face with the sort of country we all want to live in demands strong and pragmatic leadership from our politicians and very strong support from us in the business community. I open by reflecting on the Commonwealth Games and i will close with them, too. They have acted for a great metaphor for the times in which we find ourselves. We cannot live unaffected by other people cut off by those with whom we are historically bound. Healthy levels of competition between nations striving for preeminence among them creates a diamond is him which forces us to share, develop, and harmonize our ideas. Our great advantage is we do these things coherently and with a dedication united, national, and international purpose. This is how the business creates richmond in every sense of what we are trying to achieve. And ever improving more pioneering society which plays to its strengths and does not leave anyone behind. A yes voteeks time, based on many so many substantial questions unanswered will be a binary decision. A oneway ticket to uncertainty with no return and the likelihood of significant economic uncertainty. The things that really does unite the United Kingdom and for which we are widely admired around the world is the strong sense of admits is him, common sense, realism. That is why i strongly believe that we will remain a United Kingdom within a reformed European Union focusing on what andmportant, growth, jobs prosperity for everyone in society. Inc. You. Thank you. [applause] thank you, mike. It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest this evening, the great honorable David Cameron. He became Prime Minister in may 2010 leading the conservative in democrat Coalition Government and he has been a conservative mp in 2001. A studied at oxford with firstclass degree in politics, philosophy, economics. One of his tutors described him as one of the ablest students he never taught. Before being elected as an mp, he worked for the conservative Party Research department and was a special advisor to then chancellor of the exchequer and lastly to the secretary. And parliament, he has held a number of his visions on the opposition front bench including leader of the house of commons, head of policy coordination in the runup to the 2000 five general election. He was also a member of the influential house of comments first select committee on 2001 to 2003. He was shot of secretary of state for Education Skills and with a mandate to change and modernize the party, he was elected leader of the conservative party in december 2005. When he became Prime Minister in 2010, he became the youngest and 198 years. That being said, i suspect the pressures of the job make you feel much older much quicker. Away from the world of politics, he spent seven years in communication where he served as a managing director. London and you can see he is the anatomy of a british Prime Minister with scottish and welsh blood. Our minister. Prime minister. [applause] john, thank you very much for that introduction. I feel rather like the peer who said, having heard myself introduced, i cannot wait to hear myself speak. Its a pleasure to be back in moscow tonight. Glasgow tonight. The memory of the fabulous Commonwealth Games looms very large for me. It was a fortnight where glascow side to theery best world and it was a wonderful advancement for scotland, the United Kingdom. We have are all favorite moments for those games whether it was lindsey andt win by the incredible emotional interview afterwards. Whether it was the two yorkshireman, the brothers, who just seemed to go on and on and when everything. Whether it was the wonderful, young teenager from shetland winning in the pool and her first games. It was an incredible experience to watch and enjoy. My favorite moment links to what we are talking about tonight was sitting in the Opening Ceremony and celtic park in seeing each of the home nation teams come into that brilliant stadium and be cheered through the echo by the home crowd. To me, it shows what a family of is. Ons are United Kingdom tonight, i want to talk about how i hope we keep that family together. Inc. You, john, for your introduction. Thank you, mike rake, for that speech. Thank you to ian mcmillan for two decades championing scottish business. Cbi scotland does have a reputation for putting great people at its helm. I know this because i have recently picked one of them, chair, and she will be a fantastic representative for scotland and business in the parliament. Many congratulations on that appointment. There is just three weeks until the voters go to the polls. As has been said, the balance is being cast already to determine scotlands future a future in the u. K. Or outside the u k a future where we strengthen our common ties were where we sever them forever. We have just three weeks to make the case that we are better off together as one United Kingdom. I believe we are joined by more than just a landmass. Our family of nations is an intricate tapestry of millions of relationships woven tightly over more than three centuries. We are inextricably linked by history, backed by family, values, and trade. Thats what i want to talk about today, the Business Case for scotland in the United Kingdom. Something that really matters to every man, woman, and child in our country. It wasld remember Economic Opportunities that brought our nations together in 1707, the greatest merger in history. Three centuries on, our union and prosperity are still closely tied. I believe Business People get this. In this years British Chamber survey, an overwhelming 85 said they wanted scotland to stay inside the United Kingdom. That was echoed by the powerful mentioned by some of scotlands most iconic businesses. Together, weve got just three weeks left to make this economic case to talk about some of the great advantages of our union. Opportunity, certainty, solidarity, and scale. We talked about how those will be put at risk if scotland were salmond into the great unknown. I will talk about why i believe we need to Stay Together and build on those advantages. Our economies first great advantages opportunity. Markets with domestic with 60 Million People in nearly 5 million businesses. This is one of the oldest and most successful Single Markets anywhere in the world, and almon served in s belfast, whiskey from the distilleries stepped in the pubs of london, energy from the hills of don freese powers homes in cardiff. Helps to promote over one million scottish jobs. Of scottish financial customers are in england, wales, and northern ireland. Then there is the games technology, lifesaving biomedicine, all selling far more outside scotland and inside. Success does not happen by accident. That success does not happen by accident. It comes from being a part of something bigger, a large domestic market underpinned by common currency, common taxes, common rules, common regulations with no borders, no restrictions on the flow of goods, investment, or people. An economy ofs opportunity. If we look at some of the start of businesses making waves around the world, take the renewables firm based in aberdeen but its investors are from birmingham. Outplayed based in dundee and funded by investors in oxford. They may be located in silicon glen but they are backed by the rest of the u. K. And today they are summing across the world. From onen economy nation to the next like the entrepreneur williams who took sky scanner from london to edinburgh and made it the fastestgrowing online air ticket site anywhere in the world. Scottish power does not just generate power for scotland but for wales, too. Look at the iconic scottish drink. It is made down in milton keyes as well. That is what an interconnected economy looks like, and economy of opportunity. If we pull that apart and we make foreigners of our neighbors, business could become tougher, trade could become more costly and complex, jobs could become harder to find. OurSingle Market is one of unions greatest advantages. If we Stay Together, scottish businesses have better opportunities. Scottish consumers have more choice. Scottish people have more secure jobs. Greatt all of those advantages at risk by going into the great unknown . Our second great advantage is certainty. Stability and predict ability. These are precious commodities in an unstable, competitive world. Investors,at businesses, and families say they want almost more than anything else. Right up the heart of that certainty is knowing what money you will be using and what its worth. Is in your pay packet, the value of pension and savings, mortgage and rent. The things that make the wheels of trade and commerce turn depend upon the currency that we use. All evidence suggests that people in scotland value highly the stability and security of the United Kingdom pound backed by the strength of the bank of england. Everyone knows if you split up you do not go on sharing a bank account or credit card. Successful Currency Unions require political and economic unions as well. Doessalmond pretense he not have just one plan b that he has three. Apparently they are like buses amid all come along right at the same time. The only problem is all of them seem to be going in the wrong direction and hes refusing to jump on any of them joining and independent scottish currency, also ruled out. Using the pound without the support of a central bank, rejected by his own experts. Three weeks until the vote on the most basic question what money people in an independent scotland would use, the proponents of separation apparently have no answer. Choice is clear. Stay together and retain the certainty of a single currency for the United Kingdom, one of our greatest advantages, or take a leap into the unknown with a man without a plan for scotland currently. Our third great advantages our common purpose, our solidarity, pooling risks across the country of over 60 Million People rather than 5 Million People. All nations and regions in the u. K. Lean on each other in the good times and the bad. Take patients in the u. K. , the cost of maintaining scottish or welsh pensions are shared right across the United Kingdom. Under separation, scottish taxpayers spending on pensions would rise by 1. 4 billion pounds. Services,cial scotland Financial Services Industry Worth over 12 times its whens surely more secure rbs and the bank of scotland were in trouble we did not inc. Twice to have all 60 million taxpayers stepping in to help. Under separation, there will be no union to help out a bank in trouble and that could put peoples savings at risk. Take costs. Spending iswer, higher. Every scottish person would lose the dividend they get from the union of 1400 pounds. Now we have the new threat not to pay a fair share of debt. Really been thought through . You dont for some and to underwrite your future debts by threatening not to honor your past depths. Lets not past debts. That is not what any responsible person would do. If you threaten not to pay your debt, people will not lend you money in the future without higher interest rates. What does that mean for scottish people . Higherinterest rates, mortgage rates, and a real penalty of this uncertainty. Have seenyears, we only too clearly how valuable our salad there it he solidarity can be. The biggest deficits at the whole country from its switch newport, families were feeling it and businesses were reeling from it. Together thanks to the hard work and determination of people right across the u. K. , we are coming back and we are coming back stronger. Thes more, in spite of tough times we found almost 2 billion pounds extra for investment in scotland and towards the glasgow city deal. Scotland is part of the fastestgrowing major advanced economy with 150 7000 more people here in scotland in work since i became Prime Minister in 2010. 2. 2 Million People who have had an income tax cut and 42,000 fewer people out of work on job seeker allowance. We are not there yet, not by a long way, but our solidarity inside our United Kingdom remains a great advantage in good times and bad. It is the great unknown that will put that solidarity at risk. Our fourth and final great advantage is our scale. In a competitive, fast moving world with a rise of new economies in china, malaysia, brazil size matters. It should give scottish businesses and governments to fight for them around the globe. I would argue today you have the best of both worlds, the focus of the Scottish Government and the clout of the United Kingdom. We are a top six economy was one of the biggest Diplomatic Networks anywhere in the world. We are not closing those embassies. Britain is not retreating from the world. Take india. How many businesses here want to trade with india with the exciting Growth Opportunities in the future . The british diplomatic presence in india is a bigger than anyone elses in the world, bigger than america. That is some of the clout, some of the heft that the United Kingdom brings to scottish business. All of those embassies, u. K. Trade and investment, export finance, backing those industries and battling for britain, battling for scotland right around the world. Ive been to every g 20 country with a business delegation part from argentina i will get there eventually. Pretty much every meeting i have, i raised the importance of the scottish whiskey industry and so many more scottish products the sides. Its not just me selling scotland to the influence of the u. K. Is there in every constant. Go to new zealand and you can ride buses made here thanks to the finance. You can eat scottish grown potatoes thanks from support from u. K. Ti. For me, scottish business is all about ambition. Its in your blood to do well and to do even better. Supported by the u. K. , you could do just that punching above your weight with hundreds of agencies promoting thousands of scottish businesses to millions of people around the world. A great, great advantage for scottish business is helping to you walk taller and shout louder. It is something we will only sustain if scotland chooses these great advantages over the great unknown. This is not just business for business sake. A scottish private sector with narrowedpped, horizons , it would not just affect profits but people. It you Wealth Creators and innovators have emerged from the Great Recession and 60,000 more people working in the private sector since the election. I want you to continue benefiting from the great advantages making the most of what our opportunity, scale, solidarity, certainty have to offer you, your families, and your businesses. Outwardl, it is this looking spirit that has served us so well in the past. Totook David Livingstone explore the depths of africa. Ships around guide the world. What inspired to build bridges, not barriers. What brought us together opening to scottishe traders. That has always been the way. Demonstrating world beating ambition. I say in three weeks time, let us stay true to that. Let us choose openness rather than narrowness, great advantages rather than the great unknown. Let us Stay Together. Thank you. [applause] i know im keeping you from the meat but dont hold back. Theres a microphone should you need it. Hold on. If anyone else cannot hear it i will repeat it. [inaudible] how do you see scotland within that . Weve had a very difficult time with the Great Recession knocked our economy back. Businesses suffered. If we stick to our longterm plan, get the deficit down, taxes down, trade our young people and build the infrastructure we need i have no doubt we can be a Great Success story in the century. I was looking up figures in the past few days, and the last four days, the United Kingdom has created more net new jobs than the rest of the eu put together. This economy is starting to move if we take think those longterm decisions and really switch our economy looking at the fast growth of focusing on or near neighborhood, i think we could be a Great Success story. Takeke said, it will probusiness, proenterprise policies. The only thing i disagree with mike about his of course i want to end uncertainty whether over the future of the United Kingdom or the future of the United Kingdom and the European Union. In modern politics, you want to trust people and take them with you. You cannot maintain these relationships without public support. I have a strategy when it comes to europe getting the changes that we need and holding a referendum in which i believe written should stay and a reformed European Union. I think thats the right answer. Where i would disagree is i dont think this strategy is disadvantaging in terms of investment. I see no evidence for that. Hondanissan, toyota, moving massively into our car industry. I see chinese businesses investing all across britain. Outstrips anything happening in any other european country. Yes, of course, referendums create uncertainty because of decision has to be made. I think it is much better to and i Clear Strategy think britain can be a Great Success story. More questions . Lady here from table three. Prime minister, assuming there is a no vote, september 19 we will wake up to a brave new scotland where everyone is going to be getting together . Stop us from of the next government imposing another referendum . I dont take anything for granted. Three weeks to go and im passionate into keeping the case of keeping the u. K. Together as i hope i have demonstrated tonight. I hope that will be the result. Were that to be the result, there would be a certain amount of relief that this debate is finally over. Families. Ivided it has divided people in the workplace, sometimes communities. There will be a certain relief that the decision is taken. Will everyone get on with each other afterwards . An not willing to paint overly rosy future. Its certainly clear the Major Political parties all believe in evolution. More decisions made here in scotland not just covering health and education, law and order, the criminal justice as you do today but really big wellions about taxation as which is already coming through the scotland act. But still being part of the kingdom and i think that process of delivering further evolution would help to bring people together after this campaign. Im absolutely convinced that nick clegg, ed miller band, and myself are utterly sincere in making this pledge. For myself, i hope people would recognize that before the last election, people asked me if i was sure i was committed to the cameron process. Am i sure if i would pacify became Prime Minister . Am i sure . Is a was and are sometimes bit of skepticism with the conservatives in scotland but i delivered on all of those. The scotland act was passed in changes have been made. In terms of showing respect, i got the people of scotland and the institutions of the Scottish Government respect. As for future governments, as you put it, imposing a iserendum, what i would say i faced a choice as Prime Minister. Scotland voted for a Scottish National Party Government that had a majority and i faced a choice in what is the right thing to do . The right thing to do is to respect people in scotland in grant the wish of the elected government for a referendum which we are posing. I took the decision backed by other Party Leaders to say the scottish people voted for a Scottish National party and that must be the referendum that a sikh. Im sure if i had taken a different decision and said you could not possibly have that referendum, i think i would have job aaking Alex Salmonds lot easier. That was not part of my desire. Last one, lady at table 15. Regardless of the yes or no situation, what has been absolutely fascinating has been the engagement in politics. I have a 15yearold niece and a 17yearold nephew, a 20yearold son, i witnessed them debating this yes or no. I was blown away and i was quite inspired, actually, that the young people are interested in politics. Are youre u. K. , what plans for getting more people engaged . Youre absolutely right. I think there has been huge engagement. All signs of the turnout of this referendum will be well over 80 . Thats a really good thing. Im not one of these politicians that believes the way to get more people voting is to make it easier. Why dont we have email voting . Vote on a sunday or take three days, compulsory voting . They are all good ideas in their own way but they dont dance of the problem. The reason people dont vote as they dont think its going to make a difference. We politicians have to convince people that you can change things with the way that your vote. The referendum i think is selfevident. There is a very big choice facing scotland, the biggest choice of had to make in 300 years. Because of the big choice they are debating and arguing about the future of scotland. We need to do the same thing with the decisions that we take at the westminster elections. I would argue we made some very big choices back in 2010. We decided to confront the budget deficit and deal with the debt and deficit rather than put it off. We decided to become a more competitive country where we cut taxes, including business taxes. We decided to back enterprise. In england, we decided the radical reform of education was and skilltrain up young people. These are changes linking directly to an election. Electionsnate that and policy can change things but we need to do a better job getting things across. Thatis also by explaining it matters. There are choices and decisions to be made. Im grateful very much for the warm welcome you have given me and listening to my speech. I think its probably time we all got on with our dinner. I give her the questions and above all, please spend the next three weeks whatever your view debating, arguing, talking including with the people you work with in your businesses. As the Prime Minister but also as someone whose name is cameron, whose grandmother was a ewellen, whose family is scots. This is very personal. But weve brought together over these centuries of whether it or defeating hitler, nhs, all of the things worth having we have achieved extraordinary and brilliant things. We better Stay Together to do even more in the future. Thank you. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] tonight, cspans American History tour continues with a focus on native americans beginning with a look at battle of little big horn we examine the government attempts to take land previously promised to native americans and how it led to the conflict now known as general custers last stand. Heres a preview. Sitting bull is not about to scratch and claw at the ground to try to make a living. Crazy horse is not going to surrender his pony and hook it up to a plow. They are hunters and they are warriors. That is their vision. Mid1870s, there is an economic crisis. The stock market crashes, the Banking System rolls over, the panic of people are losing their 1873. Jobs, their life savings. There is 20 unemployment. Does any of that ring a bell . Tough times in america. Ulysses s. Grant is the president and hes going to have to rough up the economy or he will not yet reelected. He needs an economic stimulus package and George Custer will provide it, gold in the black hills. Custer leads an expedition into the black hills in western south dakota and rumors of gold or assisted for years but now it is a reality. There is gold in the black hills. Newspaper reports say all you have to do is walk through the grass and pick up nuggets off the tops of your shoes. Miners, prospectors, entrepreneurs pour into the hills overnight. Deadwood hit 3000 people really quick. Every one of them is an illegal alien because the black hills belong to the sioux guaranteed by the treaty of 1868. The white mans promise. No white people allowed. Wild bill hickock shot in the back of the head is an illegal alien and so is calamity jane. This was sacred ground. Literal the hills are black with timber. He wants to get at that gold, restore the economy, put old in the treasuries of these going to try to buy the black hills. 7 million is a lot of money. Sitting bull, crazy horse, lame white man, others. No. Not for sale. You do not sell the ground your ancestors walked on and now their bones lay beneath. Not for sale. Cspan American History tour focusing on native americans includes a tour of a new mexico pueblo, a Spanish Mission in florida, and a look at native american pictographs in montana. In cspan 2 primetime, indepth interview with ron paul. On cspan 3, more from the archival film series reel america. The notarization of police forces. Companies reincorporate overseas like working did this week. Michel. E he larry liveington journal saturday at 7 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Earlier this week, ohio senator rob portman spoke at the new England Council at the politics eggs event. He spoke about isis and the lack bipartisanship in congress. This is a little over an hour. [applause] thanks very much. For a democrat to endorse the job plan is a good thing for me. I was honored to speak to your group when you were in washington in march and i talked about the legislative agenda. It is good to be here. Thank you for having us. I found out this morning why i was invited. Iree months ago, jane and were in the kitchen going through the mail and there was this big package and we got our daughter out here in school so i thought sally is sending me something, this is great. An invitation to come speak to you all. I will be up there for scott brown at some point, i would love to do that. He pointed to his son kevin who andrew who is a freshman at fordham and said it was andrew who invited you. s reachinge andrew out to me. I want to think the institute and good to be with a lot of great friends. We had been in New Hampshire over the years and i am feeling like i am here with friends who know me all too well. He was the guy who drove me around in 1996 with bob dole when i play the circuit. I remember him because at one point sliding down one of the exit ramps on the ice getting in the middle of i89 traffic. My best recollection is one we were up somewhere in northern New Hampshire doing these campaign debates. Bob could not come say send me instead. He had his own motorhome. We had a fun time debating that. It is fantastic and it gives us the opportunity to see politics. I was asked this morning to talk about what is happening. That would the a short speech. Happening. Lot is i said to the audience 10 that means paid staff and family members. So they would be more reductive to talk about what is happening. I am hopeful about the future of our country but we are in trouble right now. We are in trouble on the International Stage as we have and over the last 24 hours we have trouble at home. Unless we change direction and come up with new direction i am worried america will continue to slip in our leadership and people of our great country will continue to fall behind. That is what i want to talk about to find that new direction and get back on our feet. I watched the news last night which was probably a mistake is there was nothing good. The fire is burning around the world. And same with what has happened in ukraine. I was there during the president ial election. At that time the people of ukraine were crying out for leadership saying we why your help, we want your backing. We have not been forthcoming and we should step it up. Helping them. E in certainly here in New Hampshire with the tragic death of jim foley, the people of New Hampshire have seen once again the fact that evil does exist in the world and the brutality and tragic circumstances of his death remind us that this group truly is a National Security threat to our country. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of jen jim foley. It reminds us of the fact that we have had american leadership, a vacuum is created and into that vacuum chaos and violence tend to into. We are reluctant leaders. America is the main superpower and we do not always embrace that enthusiastically. What were seeing around the world is if america is not engaged in involved not only do the people of this country suffer and we have humanitarian crises in places Like Northern christians and other religious minorities but americas National Security is threatened. If isis has the chance to establish this caliphate it is certainly a platform for terrorism and concern for us and also all freedom loving people. I know americans are weary of war. All of us are. I know that we reluctantly accept our responsibility as the sole remaining superpower but the reality is we are the one indispensable country and if we are not out there leading do not expect others. , ittalked about that role was a great honor. I went around the world representing a country. I had the opportunity to talk about how we should be knocking down barriers to trade, fighting corruption and promoting transparency and free markets. ,ften in public, not always always in private my fellow trade minister said think in this america is out there. No one else will do it. Not the europeans who are usually happy with regulated trade. Areemerging economies who concerned. It is the wellbeing of the citizens of all these countries and the same is true across the board. Whether it is human rights or democracy building or keeping the streets of hormuz open or the south china sea. America is the end and disposable country. We cannot be the worlds policeman, i agree. It is more like the sheriff. We cannot do it alone. That posse of allies is what we need. It is impossible for us to grow that group of other countries who can work with us. Americas role in the world can only be strong if we are strong here at home. That is my concern and i believe we are in deep trouble here at home. I am hopeful about the future but i look at what has happened and i think while. Is this it, is this the new normal . They cannot be. Were living in the weakest economic recovery since the great depression. When you look at the gdp growth and the jobs numbers people can say there is improvement here and there but the reality is this is a remarkably flat economy. Folks are saying that is the way it is going to be. That does not enable us to see the kind of upward mobility and opportunity we have become accustomed to. With this weak economy the American Dream is really in trouble. Jim mentioned this jobs for america plan and i will talk about it in a second. It has some of the components to get us back on our feet. The idea is to take the , ourtutions of our economy ability to compete globally by having an Education System, the need for us to have regulations that make sense for Small Businesses. Youralk to merely about businesses and the regulatory and vermin. We are not addressing the issues. Some of my friends tell me what i talk about this including in the last couple of days of good debate with a conservative republican friend of mine, washington should be doing less. Freein the leave live or die state i imagine some of you agree. The less washington does the better. I would disagree. Washington not to be doing more to create freedom, to change these fundamental economic systems that do not allow for the prosperity and the Free Enterprise system that we have become accustomed to. Forward andstepped made the kind of changes that are necessary to unleash the entrepreneurial power of america. This does have real consequences. We are missing the cut the opportunity to engage and help people get back on their feet. The American Dream is at risk and many people in this room understand that because you experienced it. Today. Do not see it i grew up in a Small Business family. My kid left a job as a salesman or he had a commission and health care and Retirement Plan and he gave it all up to start his own business. Which many of you have. We started off with five people. My mom was the the keeper. Lots of money the first two years which was a little awkward since he had borrowed money from my moms uncle to start the business because he could not get a loan from the bank. Does that sound familiar . Over the years, he found his footing and he ended up in the time he retired, my brother took over the business, he had 300 people working. I worked there. Some of the guys who turned to wrench the whole career will their with 500,000 in 401 k and Profit Sharing plans. That is the American Dream. To provide for yourself and your family and grow something. I worry about it because of the fact that washington is in gridlock. I worry about it because the american spirit is in trouble. The most troubling poll i have seen is not about [indiscernible] but it was about the American Dream. There was a poll earlier this month. It showed that 76 of americans do not believe the next generation will be better off than our generation. 76 . Hese are record numbers we have never seen anything like this. Young people,sked what do you think, are you any better off than your folks . Saidgain, over 60 are sent no. There seems to be almost a resignation right now. People saying we just have deliver that. It is no wonder that people feel that way. And healthay is down care costs and other costs for basic needs are up. If this recovery were strong, just as strong as the average, per capita income would the 6,000 higher and almost 14 million more americans would be working today. That shows you what we have tried has not worked. It is time to get busy. Yesterday i was in New Hampshire talking to a friend about this and i told her so stories about people i know in ohio who have lost their jobs and not been able to find something that was comparable. Some of them are working for you a lot of my friends are now consultants. They are selfemployed. They are in their 50s and 60s. They have not been able to get back on their feet so they have become insulted consultants. Some heads nodding. If you look at the Labor Participation rate which means the percentage of people working, we are at record lows. They goes back to the 1940s. I saw something recently in situation with the and it was a discussion about the africanamerican community. Rateabor participation among African American males is remarkably low. Levelsy the historic going back to the 1940s. This goes back to the 1970s. I am reminded of doubledigit unemployment. That is not where we want to be. For uss an opportunity to get back to the kind of gross we have been used to since world war ii. This cannot be the new normal. It is not who we are. This proposal we talk about and jim mentioned it. Says important because it not only is there an agenda here to win elections but there is a blueprint. I am doing it because i think we have to change this dynamic. We have to break through this gridlock. The only way to do that is to to the tabledent and start discussing some of these issues. It takes two to tango. It has to be something that Republican Leadership is willing to do. I hope that will be true. This has been done before. Had a reagan never majority in the congress. And in 19 these six working with tuple mail tip oneill we put together the tax review that is critical to the Economic Growth we saw over the next couple of decades. With tuple mail and democrats that he put in lease Social Security reforms. The last time we reviewed any of our vital programs on the mandatory side of the budget. The entitlement spending programs but they are unsustainable. This is not something we have not done before. They were able to Work Together to put forward some tax reform and balanced budget. Let me give you three examples. That approvestegy the keystone xl pipeline to be given to make us energy independent. Above looking at our sources of energy including efficiency. About the fact that the president is out there trying to negotiate. Without the ability to take these to congress for an upanddown vote. This president although he called for it in the state of withoutas residential leadership it is not going to happen. For the republican majority it would happen and we would get busy getting American Farmers back in the business of creating jobs. There are over 300 trade agreements negotiated. That could happen the first 100 days. Aboutform, we heard news burger king. Which may be inverting. They become domiciled in those Foreign Countries to lower their taxes. We need to stop that. Everyonetop it agrees. If we simply say we will go after this on a casebycase basis or put a bandaid in case to Honest Companies for inverting, we will see investment and jobs going overseas. More u. S. Companies will become targets of foreign takeovers. I am a beer drinker. It is kind of early. Beer. Y to buy an american the largest is sam adams, a new england beer company. 1. 4 market share. American companies and boardrooms are listening to [indiscernible] washington should be lowering the tax rate which is the highest in the world. Changing the International System so it is competitive and allowing to prosper. The president talked about it. But shows no leadership to get it done. The responsibility goes both ways. We have to put it in place immediately. This is about middleclass jobs of this will create. If we do not do these things, open up and negotiate trade , fix the tax code so it works and do with energy so we can take advantage of the great opportunities we have. Deal with Health Care Costs and regulations and reform the Education System so we can be competitive. If we do not do these things america will continue to fall behind. If we do do it the best days are ahead of us. One thing that is putting away blanket over the economy is the record debt and deficit. I hear about this a lot. More so than in some other states create you guys get it. Part of this plan and what we talk about is the budget. Not having had one for the past five years is one of our problems and the budget has to say what are our priorities. Erskine hall famously said this is the biggest economic crisis we face and the most predictable one. If we do not do with these issues [indiscernible] were likely to see more debt being added to the nations Balance Sheet than all of the president s in history combined. At 40,000 ong top of the national that. Much of the increased him it will come from younger people and healthier people. Theyre having a tough time finding a job. These are things young people should be concerned about and all the should the. In order to keep that american promise, to be able to make that American Dream real we have to deal with the debt and deficit. President kennedy once said famously of rice in the tide lifts all boats. I think he is right. The Economic Growth, things we talked about, the importance of having progress policies and changing them is necessary to with thishave to deal enduring issue in america. Poverty started in levels. It is at higher we do have an issue of the lack of upward of mobility. People not able to get back on and washington plays a role here. Sometimes a negative role. Combine losing the subsidy and increasing the taxes, sometimes it is too hard to get to that first rung of the economic ladder. Thehould provide people kind of safety net programs they need and hand up but not a handout and not this tendency we see around the country. At some of the causes of poverty, we wrote legislation that deals with the issue of recidivism. People who get into this revolving door of prison, recidivism rates are incredibly high. Prison are back in five years. We all pay for it. In terms of those peoples lives. Not being a will to turn them around them a to take care of their family and become productive citizens. The Second Chance stuff works and it is one of the causes of poverty. Those approaching drug addiction through prevention and recovery. Education reform earlier. I want to end with a story and it is a hopeful story. The guy am at in cleveland, i was at a discussion with people who are taking advantage of this federal Second Chance act. You have to come up with a match locally and engage the community. You have to meet certain criteria including testing. Melvin is about my age. He is in and out of prison a lot. He is a recovering addict. He said rich mike get out of prison i get in trouble and i go back. There is this program you can and it helps you get the job skills you need. He has the ability to come up with his daughter. He has the dignity and selfrespect that comes with work and taking care of his family. A country that believes the best days are ahead. I certainly believe that. This newe can find direction. I think we must. And i think we will. And i thank you for what you do everyday to make your communities better and make New Hampshire a better place to live and to work and to help restore the American Dream. Thank you for having me this morning. I look forward to your questions. [applause] we have a couple of questions. Identify yourself or the company you are with. [inaudible] generates 1 billion in revenue. We are reducing the debt that we are worried about. The majority of senators support it and it makes sense. I do support it with reforms and among those are to make it more transparent and ensure that it is not interfering in the marketplace. I had an opportunity to see what other countries do and in terms of financing exports, everyone is aggressive about it. With the exception of the u. K. China is very aggressive on financing. It has made money so it is not something that taxpayers can look at and say this is costing us. My view is simple. Allowed the market to work. That is not the reality. We would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we were to say in the situation where economy whereonomy is in trouble, these countries are taking moret share, i do think transparency is important and putting in place the measures to make sure it is not competing is important. And we have made a big mistake if we shoot ourselves in the foot and not be will to expand our exports. If you go along with opening up has markets worth, only 10 a trade agreement. 47 of the we sent goods and Services Made by American Workers produced by American Farmers and American Service providers so that is what we have to do in addition to being sure that were trying to level the Playing Field in terms of financing. When we do that, what happens is we have the ability to compete and when we do that we do just fine. But do better if we create that environment for success. The issues we talked about in terms of education and job training. Even using energy more efficiently. I am are some things that really excited about in terms of trade. If we can get this done because then we can expand or exports. Nice to see you. [inaudible] do in terms ofld the dysfunction in congress. [inaudible] ago we wereo long able to figure out how to talk and do it in a bipartisan way. [inaudible] what happened is people said [inaudible] we will move forward with this. That was 1983. People remember Ronald Reagan as being a popular president. [inaudible] Ronald Reagan went on to win every single state but one. Today that might be more challenging but i do not think we should throw in the towel. We should insist on principled i am talking about establishing what the objective is. The object is to have a credit will tax code. Instead of saying these people are economic deserters and saying were going to take away this tax benefit or that which will make them even less competitive and more right to be a target of a foreign takeover lets fix the problem. Every single one have lowered the rate. Dont think we need a huge. Djustment to our system what we need is leadership and for people to insist on it. I think republicans and democrats need to do a better job of talking about the need for us to find Common Ground and why that is important. Why it matters in the daily lives of citizens. [no audio] the concernslot of you mentioned. The direction of the country and where we are headed create and where we can change that direction. I agree that a lot of it is the dysfunction that is happening right now and im wondering if you could share with us what i think is more than a passing interest in some of the senate races that are happening and how you see those shaping up and how that might change and reframe what is happening in washington. Good question. I mentioned earlier the poll that i was most interested in was the one that people in the next generation do not think will be better than the current one. It means people are feeling that anxiety and uncertainty. I am looking at other polls. I got my [inaudible] from politico. They were talking about the polling around the country. It is too close to call. There are states that are literally when you look at the four orage, probably five of them where it is one point seven rating the republican and democrat. In the end it would be surprising if republicans did not prevail because there are seven states where there is a democrat representing not just a red state but a romney red state. Obama those, president got less than 42 . There is only one blue state and that his main and that is Susan Collins and shes doing great. I would think that in the end we will be ok. I am the National Finance chair for the majority efforts. It does change the dynamic. I just believe that the current dynamic is flawed and the president is not likely to come to the table. I look in 1994 and what happened when bill clinton again without any great love for Newt Gingrich was able to come to the table and say lets see what we can do together. It took all sides of being willing to do that. If i were president obama and i was looking at my term in office and thinking what is the legacy are we going to be happy , are we happyowth and anxietyertainty that people feel, i would think he would want to do some things and focus like a laser on jobs and growth in getting us back on track in terms of dealing with the debt and deficit. The legacy will be in part having added more debt to the Balance Sheet than all the president s combined. With dealinge true with [inaudible] i am hoping we are able to come together. Some of the issues will not be resolved. There is an opportunity for us to focus on these economic and fiscal issues. I think the next two years will be very productive. If you had a change and a different dynamic in washington. If you could speak a little bit about natural gas, it is a big issue in new england. Trying to get more natural gas appear up here. It is Energy Efficiency and renewables [no audio] it is a great question. Ofre the saudi arabia natural gas. Is probably because of our technology and the land that is available. We can do more on public lands including offshore which i support and i think it is advantageto take full of this and bring back manufacturing. There have been three companies that have come back and what i asked them why, i have been to over 150 plant tours and they say a lot of it is natural gas. Because of theof supply, there is the stability Going Forward and it is a couple coming here. We have been and are subject problem. This makes us an energy state but the pipe structure is not adequate to deliver that gas. We so that this last winter. It was pretty scary. We did not have the infrastructure or the grid to understood to make sure we would not have runouts and we had a propane crisis that some of you may be were involved with. There is legislation to come up for way too better predict what are. Ropane needs it is exciting was happening. We need to focus on how do you truly take advantage of moving the natural gas to refineries and to other areas where there is a scarcity. I do want to return to the question of bipartisanship. You have mentioned the Second Chance act. I know from having observed your actions in those days that the effort to be right bipartisan, to find Common Ground on a very tough for the whole issue, crime policy, you are part of that. You were very intimate to that happening and a very successful thing that you mentioned today. The question i have for you is this. We have not talked about the money and politics piece. Dont you agree that the fundamental problem in 2014 is that everyone in this country is inundated with the negativity in advertising and bashing of candidates and what youre getting is a very low bottom of Common Ground. Anye is no way to find positive things about your opponent during a campaign in then you wonder how do you pick that up in january when you have to work with these people. How do you see the tone of the conversation in campaigns changing when you have these thirdparty influences and this fundamental shift in the respect people have in the process of government and settling differences in the civilized way. I do not have an easy answer. I think speech includes the ability to promote whatever your position is so you will continue to have a lot of campaign and negative. Ive the negative seems to work and that is why there is more negative ads and so on. That i haveerence experienced when i ran for the senate is the ability online to communicate. And the degree to which people are accessing Online Sources of information and that could be positive or negative. To gets candidates a way their message out. One of my concerns about my party is that were too often represented and misrepresented of the as a party that is against. We need to stand for something and we do. We do not always communicate that. There is a way to do it now. Even in terms of the people who were accessing sources online. It is incredibly powerful. I agree with you about the airwaves and some of the ads and so on. Online saying that being is positive either. They have the potential to say whattential voters this is i have done, this is what i am for. What someone else says i am against. That is something that we need to take more damage of and those of us in office, it you are that and i am doing that. I would make one simple comment. We are what someone else says im against. That is something that we need to take more damage lacking o many people up instead of figuring out ways to turn their we know itd and works and you a know it works and we talked about this earlier. It is much more active. There are 2000 collisions that have come out of that but there is much more effective treatment. There this is the one area that has been vulnerable. Incredible progress. This is something we ought to do. Two more questions. Thank you. I am also with the aarp. He did not ask the Social Security question but i am just curious. There are a number of solutions to the problems where Social Security is. Some of them are not devastating if we take care of them right away. It will not the a catastrophe in a few years. Get i think that is a place where you could start to compromise or build partnership. On what your thoughts we should do . Isnt really well and i appreciate aarp. You said it really well and i appreciate aarp. Dont, to grab it, if we our country will go bankrupt. It is a matter of math. These entitlement programs are incredibly important, that is why we need to save them. The one i have been pushing, very frustrated we have not been able to make progress. This is the fourth thing. I am hopeful. Which used to say lets put more means testing into Social Security and medicare. We could do more. Specifically with regard to medicare, the president put a proposal in his budget saying those who make over 170,000 bucks a year as a couple pay more from premium part b for dr. Visits but also r d for their prescription drugs and for those people who can afford it and these are people who would have three or 4 million in that asset, they have to pay in terms of their participation. That has an impacts on the Social Security trust fund. It starts off small but maybe 60 billion in savings. This is what you are referring to. You do small things and have enormous impacts in later years trade if we do not do this we are looking at having another 10 trillion. This goes off the rails. There are some things we can and should do. This is in the budget and something i have been running. When i go to my socratic colleagues they say we cannot touch anything on the entitlement side without raising taxes on the rich. I say this is raising taxes on the rich. This is asking the wealthy or americans to pay more. Which is equivalent to taxing the more. They see you cannot touch entitlements without taxing the rich under the tax code. It makes no sense. There is no logic here. This is a small step but an important step in the right direction. It is one that i have been out there promoting. Sometimes it might political peril because some groups are taking me on on it. I want to save this program. I want it to be there for future generations. I think that is a great example of what youre talking about and i would add it as number four, what could happen if we have just a little bipartisanship and had some Common Ground. One final question. My problem goes back to bipartisanship. [no audio] i recognize the gridlock cannot take place, you have to talk to people. You are up close and personal with them. You have to balance budgets. When i was a new mayor with donna washington after september 11, we were to meet with gephardt. And itinto washington had dramatically changed with security you would not believe especially after september 11. It is much better now. I was in on of being, it was in sam rayburns former office building. I was intrigued but i had a chance to meet with him oneonone and i said how often do you and the speaker me thinking our nation is in crisis and there is so many challenges and he said we do not even talk to each other area that was after one of the greatest National Crises and you talk about president ial leadership. We had a republican president that was ingrained in the philosophy of washington and we do not talk to each other. I would be interested in hearing from you, who do you work with on a bipartisan manner to give us a sense of who you are as a leader. My sense is that you are bipartisan but can you talk about that issue that we do not talk to each other at what youre doing on your site to change that. It is a great question. One thing i did not mention, almost all these are puzzles have bipartisan roots. A number of them i am involved with. All three bills are bipartisan and could have we could get it the floor of the senate. Mythat case mark pryor is cosponsor and it is on regulatory accountability. To other is related permitting. It puts accountability into the permitting process and ensures some of the legal liability is there so you can permit things. Wind and solar. We have a good Bipartisan Group there. Legislation as was mentioned on Second Chance all of which are bipartisan. I do not think unless we make these things bipartisan, we have to find Common Ground. And made some concessions to the other side sometimes create your member what it is like, you do not get everything you want. This is how you do it in your daily lives. Jane will tell you. We figure things out. The same is true in your marriage is an and her dealings with government. Is it is not that hard. Difficult, is more even poisonous in some respects and the gridlock seems to be ingrained in the washington politicians mind. I use Ronald Reagan a lot as an example. I do think a lot of republicans use him as an example of what they are looking for. He used to say is amazing what get accomplished when you do not care who gets the credit. I put that on my desk and that is a very deep thought. Maybe more profound than people initially think. What is happening is about politics and who gets the credit and the blame. It should be about how do you choose the result, lets agree on the objective and figure out how to get there. Test daysamericas could be ahead. I really do. We have the infrastructure and the Education System and the people and the entrepreneurial spirit is still out there. People want to be able to create a better life. All washington needs to do is create that environment. Not create jobs but a can create the environment for success and the environment for failure. Right now theyre heading down the wrong track. There is an opportunity to take a new direction. Lets embrace it. Do not throw in the towel and say this is the new normal. What say we can do it, we always have. We will figure it out. It will require leadership and finding that Common Ground. Thank you. [applause] i would like to acknowledge the [inaudible] a fellow dartmouth alum. Years of myseven life. I enjoyed every year. The state senator from district 20 is also here. I also wanted to thank him for being here. Is often said that lou would go to the opening of an ampulla. Hes a great outlet serving. Serious lawmaker and we do not have enough serious lawmakers who think an awful lot about the problems we have an goes a step further to say i think i have some ideas. Some of them outside the box as he alluded to. That may cause some witticism and arrows being directed at him but he is willing to do that in order to move the country forward. To grow the economy so we can 4 , 5 growth. We need people like the senator in the u. S. Senate so we are fortunate to have him here today. I would ask before we leave if we could have a moment of silence, a thought for james foley and his family, that they find strength in the next coming days and months and years ahead. In rochesterbor and a friend to many people. With that, a moment of silence for james foley and his family. Thank you very much. We look forward to seeing the senator in washington and new england. Beingt to thank him for here today and we thank our sponsors for making this a Great Success and thank our leader here. We wish you a happy labor day coming up. Thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] lynch from them Cato Institute. And Martin Sullivan discusses Corporate Tax and versions, when a u. S. Company reincorporate overseas for tax reasons like burger king did this week. And larry michel. Plus your phone calls, faced the comments, and tweets. Journal live on saturday at 7 a. M. On cspan. Day, on the cspan networks, on cspan at 5 30 p. M. Eastern, and Education Department summit on bullying in schools. At eight, bill nye the science guy and Creation Museum founder debate evolution. Congressman James Clyburn talks about his life to his leadership position in the house of representatives. Morris onm. , sylvia her book. And it 10 00 p. M. , michael lewis, discussing the hidden world of highfrequency stock trading. 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