Subcommittee on Border Security will come to order. Subcommittee is meeting to receive testimony in examining the human rights and legal implications of dhss remain in mexico policy. Without objection the chair is authorized to declare the subcommittee in recess at any point. Good morning. Today we will examine implications of a migrant protection protocol more commonly known as the remain in Mexico Program. We will hear the perspective of practitioners who witnessed the program on the ground. Since the program went into effect on january 18, 2019, the remain in mexico policy has forced 10,000 asylumseekers to wait in mexico while their claims are processed. This summary does not begin to touch on the devastating and deceptive impact on countless lives. Prior to this programs implication, asylumseekers will stay in the United States as it moves through the court. Policy based on the humane and common sense premise that should be given temporary safe havens, deciding whether or not they
Provisions including wiretap authority, Business Records authority and the lone wolf provision which were set to expand at the end of the year. This is about two hours, 10 minutes. Committee on the judiciary will come to order. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. I will now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. To ensure that the tools used by our government to keep us safe are consistent with our values and with the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility to shape the Legal Framework under which intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Although we conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, hearings like this to conduct a broad review of how our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that
Provisions including wiretap authority, Business Records authority and the lone wolf provision which were set to expand at the end of the year. This is about two hours, 10 minutes. Committee on the judiciary will come to order. We welcome everyone to this mornings hearing on oversight of the foreign Intelligence Surveillance act. I will now recognize myself for an opening statement. The Judiciary Committee is holding todays hearing to carry out one of its most important tasks. To ensure that the tools used by our government to keep us safe are consistent with our values and with the freedoms guaranteed by the constitution. This committee has long exercised its responsibility to shape the Legal Framework under which intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies investigate threats and collect evidence of crimes. Although we conduct daytoday oversight of intelligence agencies, hearings like this to conduct a broad review of how our government exercises its legal authorities and whether that
Reauthorized many of the administrations responsible for ensuring the safety of surface Transportation System including fm csa, and its a and h tsa, our witnesses can discuss the implementation. And identify issues the committee should consider as we prepare for transportation reauthorization. That place a greater focus on the nations Freight Network including establishing infragrant program. Others like tiger grants are critical to our nations transportation infrastructure. I hope the witnesses will provide the country with an update on efforts to improve our infrastructure and how grants are being utilized. The Hummus Committee considers reauthorizing fast act i plan to work closely with Ranking Member cantwell and others on both sides of the aisle too, to authorize the build discretionary grants, reauthorize amtrak, continue to enhance freight and Passenger Rail network, innovative Transportation Technologies across modes, coordinated research, develop and and deployments, advance H
That representation Transportation Safety issues along with my Ranking Member senator cantwell let me welcome our Signature Panel of witnesses and thank them for this hearing. Well hear from the department of transportation including neil szabat ron brinks and straygur of the federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration and deputy minister of traffic and safety. Welcome to each of you. Fixing americas surface transportation act of 2019 better known as the fastback rasterized the administrations responsible for ensuring the safety of our surface transportation paid sns and fra. Identifying issues this committee should consider as we prepare for reauthorization. The fastback places a greater focus on our nations Multimodal Network that includes establishing the emperor Grant Program. This program and others such as formerly tiger grants are critical to improve our nations transportation infrastructure. I hope the winces will provide the committee with an update on efforts to improve our i