you re going to need to have rules that make it harder to engage in false claims that the vote total was what it was, but legal change won t be enough we also need to have a political strategy because it s not clear that these changes are going to come either from congress or the states and that there are going to be enough next time the big federal law here is the electoral count act, which was passed in 1887 it was ten years after one of the most contested elections in american history in 1876, in which the person with less votes, the popular vote got to be president of the united states rutherford b. hayes, and the election act is a mess and i keep saying the check offs gun of this tragedy, which john eastman centered on. the famous eastman memo is him saying here s how we could use the gaps in this law and its tension with the 12th amendment to get our guy in. how important is it to change that well, i think it s essential. i m hoping that after the
challenge it was somehow unclear. we need to streamline one and clarify the other. the thing about the presidential election is that it is so different than every other election in the united states. it s run across 50 states and endows and jurisdictions and even once the people vote there are a whole bunch of steps about to happen before the full ceremonial counting of electoral college votes happens. each of those in places have a weakness in a system that doesn t rely on norms of the rule of law. we ve relied on the fact the peeler gonna do the right. saying there are gonna lie about the outcome of the recent v. election. and you can have the potential of people going to lie you re going to need to have that paper to back it up, you re going to need rules that make it harder to engage in false claims, the vote total is what it wise. but legal change won t be enough. we also need to have a political strategy, because it s not clear these changes are going to come either from congre