7 to 8 is Morning Edition 8 o clock is the rebroadcast of tonight s news and 9 am is sweet beats coming up now is your local news for this evening thanks for listening everyone have a wonderful night. This is a k o t community radio news for Wednesday January 23rd I m Juliet whole field and I m Kara in today s headlines an update on the CIA expansion new county planner gets reacquainted with her old USA Today names Telluride topped a resort in North America and a mountain weather forecast. The mountain village town council met last week to discuss the future expansion of Village Court apartments mountain village has been working with a Durango based architect and design firm bowing group since October to develop a concept for the project after reviewing 2 possible scenarios the town council decided to move forward with a plan that would add $49.00 new units of affordable housing in mountain village This would include $4022.00 bedroom units and 71 bedroom units the building concept is
While staying with the motor neuron disease he was diagnosed with the condition at 21 and given just 2 years to live but he ignored the prognosis despite his incredible discoveries around black holes and relativity he once said it wouldn t be much of a universe if it wasn t home to the people you love his family say he died peacefully at home and they ll miss him forever Sky News reporter Joe tidy dying ironically on pied a Stephen Hawking was $76.00 absentee ballots will be counted in 2 Pennsylvania counties this morning to determine the winner of Tuesday s special election for the state s 18th Congressional District but Democrat Connor lamb with a lead of less than 600 votes has declared himself the winner we celebrate regaining our voice and our vote in the great business of governing this country we love thank you for your republican Rick s a cone sent his supporters home telling them it would be a long night I don t want to keep you here later than Then you really need to be beca
Secretary Sara centers at outside the federal courthouse Paul metaphors attorney Kevin Dowling agreeing President Donald Trump was correct there is no evidence that Mr mount afford campaign. With the Russian government calling the charges ridiculous man a Ford and his associate Richard gates each on house arrest after pleading not guilty White House chief of staff John Kelly telling Fox s the Ingram angle the legal system should be allowed to work and asked if there should be a special counsel probe into the Clinton campaign funding of the Trump dossier General Kelly telling Fox s Laura Ingram the American people really do have a right to know what their government does. Have a right to know what their government is doing on any given day and by the same token what private citizens are doing if they break the law Kelly also says he would not apologize to Congresswoman Frederica Wilson whom he referred to as an empty barrel and says he stands by those comments they ll check in today on
All man afford his associate Rick Gates both indicted by Special Counsel Robert Muller on charges they funneled payments through foreign companies as part of their private political work for foreign governments they pled not guilty in those charges are not related to President Trump but former Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos has pled guilty to charges he lied to the f.b.i. About his connections to Russia White House press secretary Sarah Sanders downplaying Papadopoulos his role in the campaign it was extremely limited it was a volunteer position and again no activity was ever done in an official capacity. On behalf of the campaign and White House chief of staff John Kelly saying when it comes to the Russian investigation Burberry hopes that her reps hope that it is very distracting to the president as a would get a citizen to be investigated for something while at the same time trying to carry the weight of what the president had to say screams it was speaking to Fox News